A difficult week awaits Mažeika, who has legalized hunting with hoops: Party representatives in Seimas want to meet, environmentalists have voiced a demand


“It is likely that after these meetings, solutions to the most delicate animal welfare problems will be reviewed,” said Justas Jaskonis, adviser to K. Mažeika, in a comment sent on Sunday.

The minister’s order signed on Friday has received much criticism, S. Skvernelis has also voiced opposition to the decision to legalize the hunt, and opposition conservatives have announced that they will go to court and initiate a tie ban by law. .

According to the Minister’s representative, said order “contains a series of guarantees and other final solutions.”

After the meetings, the Minister agrees to provide comments to the media as well.

K. Mažeika’s order changes the hunting rules and includes a clause on bow hunting among the permitted tools and instruments. The order establishes that the subclause on gear allowed in hunting will take effect from April 2022.

The Minister says that until then, the goal will be to assess the practices of other countries, and the rules and requirements for such hunting will be discussed with the public.

The use of the bow in hunting was allowed until 2004, then prohibited.

Opponents of the use of bows argue that silent shooting facilitates poaching opportunities, but advocates argue that silent hunting is a way to protect the surrounding population from the noise of gunshots.

Environmental Coalition: The amendments to the Hunting Rules approved by the Minister of the Environment must be revoked

The Environmental Coalition, which unites 7 Lithuanian non-governmental environmental organizations, will work to ensure that the amendments to the Hunting Rules approved by the Minister of the Environment Kęstutis Mažeika, which legalize bow hunting, are revoked, according to the report sent on Sunday.

Representatives of non-governmental organizations working in the field of environmental protection are convinced that the legislative process has been violated during the preparation of the current version of the Hunting Rules. According to them, questions arise about which interest groups the Minister represents in an attempt to legitimize a change that the public clearly and firmly opposes.

Hunting rules have been changed without following the principles of the law, choosing to represent an interested party without coordination with the other parties, according to the non-governmental report.
The Environmental Coalition, together with the Association for the Conservation of Nature “Baltic Wolf”, tried to participate in the process of changing the Hunting Rules and to represent the interest of nature protection; He called the Ministry to start coordinating the changes, sent his comments and suggestions. However, the ministry coordinated changes to hunting rules exclusively with hunters, who distance themselves from public and non-governmental organizations, according to the report.

Remember that already in 2018, 60,000 people signed a petition against hunting, so this problem cannot be solved in isolation from society.

The President of the Environmental Coalition, Lina Paškevičiūtė, is very concerned about the Minister’s exclusively economic approach to the environment. “The typical attitude of the current management of the Ministry of the Environment is that nature is an exploited resource, and society and non-governmental organizations are only an obstacle to the implementation of the interests of pressure groups,” says L. Paškevičiūtė.

According to non-governmental officials, archery is unacceptable as an exclusively recreational commercial activity characterized by cruel and unethical treatment of animals. The Environmental Coalition asks Seimas and the Government to evaluate in principle the conduct of the Minister and his suitability to continue in office.

As ELTA already announced, on Sunday representatives of the Christian Democratic faction Seimas Homeland Union-Lithuanian, in response to the decision of Environment Minister K. Mažeika to legalize archery hunting, announced amendments to the law that prohibits archery.

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