A BMW driver from Vilkaviškis has 28 thousand. fines – you don’t pay them, but it doesn’t stop you from driving


In Kybartai, border guards detained a resident of the Vilkaviškis district who was driving without rights, and his BMW 530 was not registered, not insured and had no technical inspection. Last year alone, border guards punished this Roma 16 times for similar administrative offenses. The amount of the fines imposed by the SBGS and the police, which the husband does not pay, amounts to 28 thousand. euros.

On Monday, the Kybartai border firewall officers from the Pagėgiai border team of the SBGS stopped a BMW 530 car with Lithuanian numbers on the border with Russia, within the borders of Kybartai. It was driven by a well-known Romani resident of Vilkaviškis 23rd district.

The 23-year-old has not acquired the right to drive, and the BMW 530 is not covered by the mandatory liability insurance, the car has not been inspected, it has not even been registered.

You have not acquired the right to drive, and the BMW 530 is not covered by the compulsory motor civil liability insurance, the machine has not undergone the mandatory roadworthiness tests and has not been duly registered.

Furthermore, the man did not have any identity documents on the border with Russia.

SBGS officials fined him 450 euros for violating the requirements for participation in public circulation and the rules of the Border Legal Regime to drive a vehicle without the right to drive.

Last year, this person was punished 16 times by border guards alone for similar administrative offenses. In total, the SBGS and the police officers have assigned around 28,000 to this gypsy. it was from fines that he did not pay.
