The exact number of people who expressed their desire to perform the service voluntarily was not provided by the Ministry of National Defense and the representatives of the Army on Thursday, according to them, it is still necessary to verify which of them are fit for the service.
“I would like to congratulate you for starting your call lists.” This is the first step before the call begins, symbolically coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the events in January, when the volunteers rose to defend their nascent state, “said the Minister.
According to A. Anušauskas, last year’s pandemic affected the convocation, and this year will be different from the others.
“In the first place, certain groups, such as military doctors, will be vaccinated next week and I think that in the future, knowing that order, recruits will also be vaccinated. I think this will also contribute to the fact that they can perform their service normally, “A. Anušauskas announced on Thursday.
When asked to clarify when recruits could be vaccinated, the minister said they were in line: ten.
“It just came to our attention then. However, we know that both the vaccination situation and the pandemic situation in Lithuania in general may change soon. Perhaps that order will change. All the more so since the first recruits will be invited in the second. fortnight of March, it will be more than a month and a half later, “said the minister.
kam.lt/Compose in 2021 lists of recruits for permanent mandatory initial military service
According to the minister, those who have returned from vacation due to the pandemic are being evaluated to keep the situation of the pandemic stable in the army and there would be no critical points.
“On the other hand, the military structure is such that it is impossible to avoid contacts: exercises are being held. Of course, the groups are also reduced, but in the army, the smallest group can be ten people. So the situation it is under control and at the moment I could say that it is improving in the Lithuanian Armed Forces ”, said A. Anušauskas when asked about the impact of the pandemic.
Almost 4 thousand will be called. young people
Arūnas Balčiūnas, head of the military recruiting and recruiting service, said that the first conscripts would begin service in March, the last in November.
According to him, the list will be published in a week and instructions will be generated for all citations this week.
“What did not come is the opportunity to join the servants. It is necessary to write a request to perform the service, they have greater guarantees, greater benefits, ”said A. Balčiūnas.
kam.lt/Compose in 2021 lists of recruits for permanent mandatory initial military service
“There were more than 56 thousand eligible. young people. The list took into account last year’s results, which were good. Volunteering will not fade away, ”he said.
Some 38,000 are planned to be added to the draft lists. 18-23 years.
3,828 conscripts are planned to serve in various units of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.
Summoners may also include youth who have voluntarily applied for permanent mandatory initial military service (NPCT) before rosters were compiled, but who continue to benefit from all voluntary incentives, such as choice of location and hours of service, and greater social guarantees. .
High school students will also be included in the lists. Once among the recruits, the students will have freedom of choice. – or stop studies and carry out 9-month NPPKT, or without interruption of studies to choose junior officer commanders training (3 years) and thus perform compulsory initial military service (CCT), or study and serve National Defense Volunteer Force (3 years) and thus perform PPKT. If none of the above service methods are chosen, recruits will be postponed for recruits, but access to recruits will be extended until they turn 26 (but not more than one year after graduation). After graduation, youth will have the opportunity to enter the convocation lists one time.
kam.lt/Compose in 2021 lists of recruits for permanent mandatory initial military service
Upon publication of the lists, each surname will be accompanied by a precise deadline by which the designated regional recruiting unit should be contacted.
Recruits may be subject to administrative or criminal liability for non-compliance.
It is planned that in 2021. the lists of recruits and the first instructions will be published before 18 January. Students making the call lists will not receive contact instructions and service will be postponed until the end of the year.