The most important work in the garden and orchard in May: how to fertilize correctly


Vitalija Rylienė, a specialist at the Senukai Garden Center, shares tips that will help you get a richer harvest of fruits and berries and enjoy fresh vegetables sooner, according to the report.

Care of fruit trees and shrubs.

As the foliage forms, the shoots grow, and the roots grow, the plant needs additional minerals. Therefore, the plant expert recommends this month to fertilize fruit trees, fruit bushes, and berry bushes with complex fertilizers. According to her, particularly useful fertilizers with potassium, phosphorous, nitrogen and trace elements: boron, iron, manganese, writes the report.

“Potassium has a beneficial effect on the root system, making plants more resistant to drought and disease. Phosphorous improves the quality of the crop. Magnesium is necessary to maintain metabolism in plants, “says V. Rylienė, adding that with a proper selection of fertilizers, a more abundant harvest can be expected.

When fertilizing fruit trees and fruit bushes, you are advised to spread the fertilizer only above the root canal, as spreading the fertilizer more widely will stimulate weed growth, thus absorbing most of the nutrients. “Unless the manufacturer specifies otherwise, 30 g of fertilizer is sufficient for a medium-sized fruit tree and fruit bush. In no way fertilize the seedlings you have just planted: if your root system has not yet formed, the roots of the fertilizer plant can be irreversibly damaged, ”says the plant expert.

According to her, in May it is time to mulch fruit trees, fruit bushes and areas with ornamental plants. Mulch that is spread directly on the ground quickly covers the ground, loses its decorative appearance and begins to rot. Therefore, if possible, before covering the ground, V. Rylienė advises laying it with a special cover for the garden: the thicker you choose, the longer it will last.

The secret of an abundant harvest.

Frost, which still occurs in May, damages the fragile cells of plants. The cold evaporates the water, making the buds, flowers, and fruits of knitting dry and fall off.

“To avoid frost damage, spray fruit trees and fruit bushes with water. It is best to do this early in the morning before the sun has heated the surface. The plant will be absorbed by small drops of water after the frost and will not disperse the fruits and leaves formed, “advises the specialist.

The expert also recommends removing some of the extremely plentiful apple blossoms. “The rings are generally formed in clusters of 3-4 units. If possible, I would recommend removing at least 1-2 rings. Then they will produce less fruit, but they will be bigger, more beautiful and the apples will not weaken, “says the Senukai specialist, adding that this will help prevent the branches from breaking due to the excess weight of the apples in the fall.

May is the time to plant strawberries and organic strawberry species. V. Rylienė advises covering the soil with a garden cover and cutting small holes for the seedlings. “The coating will not only protect against weeds, will retain moisture, but will also ensure cleanliness of the berries when they mature,” says the specialist. “It is also possible to apply mulch with chopped grass, but it is best to cover only the spaces between the strawberry beds: the grass rots relatively quickly, so the fruit may start to mold.”

Advantages of seedling hardening

In May, planting of vegetables continues and the time to plant frost-free seedlings in the open ground begins. This month it is possible to plant carrots, beets, peas, radishes and spinach, it is time to plant early and cauliflower seedlings, onions, potatoes.

The specialist reveals that in order to obtain a more abundant and early harvest of vegetables, it is advisable to harden them before moving the seedlings to their place of permanent growth. According to her, this is especially useful if you did not grow the seedlings yourself, but bought them. “The hardening of the plants helps them adapt more quickly to changing environmental conditions: the latter do not experience shock, therefore they heal and gather significantly faster,” reveals V. Rylienė.

According to her, the most appropriate time to harden vegetable seedlings is 10 to 14 days before transplanting to a place of permanent growth. “Cucumber, paprika, tomato, and eggplant seedlings harden when the temperature in the shade reaches 12-14 degrees. The first contact of seedlings with fresh air should not last more than 2-3 hours, “advises the specialist.

It is advisable to protect plants from direct sunlight during the early stages of hardening, which can cause burns. To avoid this, V. Rylienė recommends covering the seedlings with a light transmitting agrofilm.

In suitable weather conditions, the tempering intervals should be extended from 1 to 2 hours every day. “Seedlings can be planted in the open ground after spending several nights in a row outdoors. However, if you plant the seedlings in a greenhouse, tempering may take a shorter time, “says the Senukai specialist.

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