According to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, 15,965 candidates have chosen to take the state mathematics test this year. The state maturity test in mathematics is required for those who wish to study in any study program except the arts. Applicants for study programs in the humanities must have passed the state maturity test in mathematics at a level of at least a satisfactory level of achievement.
Under the math test program, the test task is presented as an integrated set of separate tasks and only the decision and answer sheet is provided for the assessment. The sum of the exam task points is 60.
The exam task consists of: tasks with optional answers (10 tasks – assessed with 1 point, 10 points in total); short answer tasks (unstructured or structured) (4–10 tasks: the task or its parts are evaluated with 1 point, only the answer is evaluated, in total 12 points); open tasks (structured or unstructured) (tasks 6-8 – evaluated with at least 2 points, a total of 38 points).
The exam will begin at 9 p.m. and will last three hours. Your assessment is based on criteria and the work of the passing students is centrally coded and graded according to the assessment instructions. Each work is evaluated by at least two evaluators. If your evaluation differs, the final evaluation decision is made by the third highest advisor.
The minimum threshold for passing the exam is established and approved by the enrollment exam evaluation committee. Students who have achieved the passing grade of the exam are considered to have passed the exam. The preliminary limit to pass the exam is 40 percent. the sum of the questions and the task points of the general course of the examination task.
People, since 2019 Those who have acquired secondary education in Lithuania and are applying for state-funded places for the first cycle and integrated studies must have passed the state maturity exam in Lithuanian language and literature; an exam in a foreign language (English, German or French) at a level of at least B1 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The level of proficiency in a foreign language would be determined by a state maturity exam (the maturity exam must be assessed at least 16 points) or an international foreign language exam; state maturity test for mathematics (except for arts study programs).
The arithmetic mean of the best annual grades for the five subjects, rounded to the nearest whole number, must also be at least 7 if the person is applying to study at the university and not less than 6, if he is requesting to study at the university, from the following compulsory subjects: Lithuanian Language and literature; mother tongue (Belarusian or Polish, or Russian or German); Foreign language; maths; history or geography, or an integrated course in history and geography; biology or physics, or chemistry, or an integrated science course; a subject in the field of arts education or a subject in the direction of a technology program, or an integrated course in arts and technology, or a subject in a specialized education program (art or engineering, or art or music); general physical education or a chosen sport, or a subject from a specialized education program (sports).
The exam session started later than usual.
The main session state maturity exams began in 2020. June 22 and runs through July 21.
The repetition exams will take place from July 22. until the 4th of August.
The results of the main session state maturity tests will be announced before August 5.
For the majority of students who passed the state enrollment tests, schools could begin offering certificates of maturity on August 7.
The results of the appeals and the new session will be announced before August 17.
Twelfth, share your impressions: what was the math test like? What tasks were the most difficult? Write an email pags. [email protected] with the inscription “Math exam”.
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