Specialists – on the probable records of coronavirus: it is the only way out of the epidemic


Inga Ruginienė, president of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation, Vaidotas Zemlys-Balevičius, data scientist, Saulius Čaplinskas, virologist and Evalda Šiškauskienė, president of the Lithuanian Hotel and Restaurant Association, discussed the Government’s proposals on the radijo Žinių program .

The situation is deteriorating rapidly

On the show, data scientist V. Zemlys-Balevičius noted that the number of infections in the country is growing rapidly, and trends show that COVID-19 records will also be achieved this year:

“Based on current data, growth has accelerated compared to last week. We already have 4 municipalities where last year’s records have already been broken. I think we will continue to break last year’s records this year.

We have a delta variety and an active part of society that is opposed to vaccines. That is what they are fed up with now. It all depends on the behavior of our people. Autumn is the time when we return to the premises. The coronavirus goes hand in hand with colds, so it is not surprising that the number is increasing. “

Zemlys-Balevičius Vaidotas

I. Ruginienė observes that the rapid growth of the numbers is directly related to the scope of the tests.

“Let’s start with the increase in the number of cases. Compared to last year, we must bear in mind that the pace of testing this year is inhumane. We have a list of positions that must be tested. Manufacturing companies have raised those rates. at high figures. It is also normal that we register more of these cases. I am more concerned about deaths and those serious cases, “says the director of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation.

The relationship between politics and pandemic management is a problem

The data scientist pointed out that politicians should not get involved in the fight against coronavirus, and that their involvement is a problem:

“We just realized that the epidemic had turned political. Coming out of the epidemic – vaccination. And that’s the only thing. That policy was worded in such a way that there were two messages: one stating that vaccines were needed and the other that vaccines were dangerous. So the average person hesitates and doesn’t get vaccinated. It is not necessary to compare here with other countries. We have a low percentage of immunizations and that is enough to make the epidemic rampant. With us, if the percentage of immunizations were not low, there would be no diseases. I have a double thing. The fact that we were well managed and that people didn’t get sick when there were no vaccines now is a disease because they didn’t get vaccinated.

De-politicizing the overall management of the pandemic would have been helpful. What does depoliticization mean? This means that we give everything to a special center that brings the team together and is responsible. You have complete freedom of action and only inform politicians. There is no trust in us. When the situation is very bad, we go to the experts, and when the situation is good, we do not listen to them. It stretches. When fighting a pandemic, don’t get distracted. “

He also added that getting out of a pandemic without vaccination is simply impossible:

„<...> When you have a problem and you have a solution, focus on what is most effective. All other measures are fine, but vaccination, although it seems mandatory, is the case in all countries. Where there was no coercion, we can clearly see that this was the only solution. Now he says: “Don’t turn us on, solve that problem without vaccination.” That’s impossible. “

I. Ruginienė ensures that what is happening in the state now is chaos, during which security measures and restrictions lose confidence.

Inga Ruginienė

“What is happening now? I think there is total chaos in the state. Communication messages during such a difficult period must be very clear and uniform, speaking on behalf of the Government. Today is the stress that workers face because they are accuses of mismanagement of the pandemic. The culprit is still the common man who will suffer it all. We see that process: disagreement, unclear decisions that cause stress, anxiety among employees. Most importantly, we lose trust in the media and limitations.

Now we must build trust in the media, the restrictions, and only then will we have positive results.

<...> Throughout this period, concentrating solely on vaccination, we forgot about masks, we forgot about production processes, process regulation, not assembly, not hanging out in bars. We forget this and the further we go, the more we will distrust these tools. That is the fundamental mistake we make. It makes people angry because everything is focused on vaccines. If you haven’t been vaccinated, you’re wrong. “

Virologist S. Čaplinskas has similar views. According to him, vaccination and security measures should not be commented on by politicians, but by authorities working in the medical sector, in which the public trusts.

“First, the local medical authorities must speak, not the politicians. Those who trust the public should speak up. Delve into them: to the communities, to family doctors, to the church. The problem is that there is no content in the communication. Basically the content is intimidating. The fact that those who work in the public sector must be vaccinated, at least from a medical point of view, does not even raise doubts. They risk themselves and pose a risk to others. The next thing is, if we reduce the scope of testing, do we have a clear understanding of the goals of fighting a pandemic? The goal is to diagnose the infected person as soon as possible so that they can change their behavior accordingly. “

You can see the full program in the video here:
