threatens to lose millions for the management of Gediminas Hill


According to Vaidas Petrokas, head of the museum’s Property Management and Investment Projects Department, design work stopped a few weeks ago, but due to delays, the museum is likely to lose $ 10 million. European funding for mountain management.

According to the representative of the National Museum of Lithuania, as for the state of the Gediminas hill, it is quite stable, there was a desire to order the southeast slope, agreed at the institutional level, but in the end it ended with designers seeking justice in court.

The reason is that in the fall of last year the design was completed, the designers drew up a technical design, but when classifying the works, almost all were destined for management, that is, works for the protection of heritage. There were doubts as to whether this was really the case, and the project had been evaluated by several institutions. Permission for maintenance work has been obtained, but some of the work must be classified as construction work and requires a new permit. However, the designers ask to pay for all the work done.

The new designer, according to a museum representative, will have to separate the construction and heritage protection works and obtain a building license. For now, the museum needs time to terminate the contract, prepare for acquisitions they often complain about, then it’s time to complete design work that existing designers haven’t been able to do, which could take place in the spring. .

A contract will then be signed with the contractor, which could take place next summer.

The biggest threat to the mountain was the site, which was ordered, no water enters the mountain, it was worth it. The museum monitors movements every day, higher rains can affect this, any cracks would be answered immediately.

The employment contract is estimated to last 24 months.

The worst case southeast slope will be managed first. It is also necessary to strengthen the foundations of the duke’s palace, then when organizing them it is possible to think about adaptation to society, they are not yet available to society. The museum has already implemented part of the project: the site has been fixed, the lighting of the mountain has been completed, a part has been made, a part is being made.

A representative of the museum assured that although the works had been agreed at the institutional level, now everything is moving away, threatening to lose European support.

The designer made the decision to go to court, although the situation was addressed.
