In Germany, only two scenarios arise: he spoke of a tendency to compromise with Russia


The preliminary results of the Bundestag elections received early Monday shed light on the changes taking place in Germany. Behind the Social Democratic Party (SDP) remained the dominant Alliance of the Christian Democratic Party and the Christian Social Union (CDU / CSU) for many years. In unexpected results, the policy reviewer sees the demise of traditions.

“It seems to me that social traditions are not that strong anymore. In the past, Christian Democrats won in small towns where people went to church every Sunday. In big cities with more workers, Social Democrats won. But now already It is not like that: the natural places where one or the other party won have disappeared ”, says a political journalist.

One step back was helped not only by the Conservatives, who scored the worst in seven decades, but also by the Social Democrats who pushed their way forward: the ratings of both fell. After these elections, it is clear that the activities of the Government will no longer be dominated by two, but perhaps even by four parties. The Free Democrats and the Greens have the opportunity to join the former important German politicians.

“The CDU / CSU has been in power for a long time. In a democracy, it is normal for the parties to change. But there are very long negotiations ahead, one of the coalition parties will definitely be in the government, so it is it will maintain the continuity of the policy ”, reasoned the member of the Seimas.

The Jamaica and Traffic Light coalitions

According to the policy reviewer, in theory there are three possible, but in practice only two coalition-building scenarios are possible: “Jamaica” and “Stoplight.” If the left, the Social Democrats and the Greens came to power, we could also see the third option, red-green-red.

The Jamaican coalition would be made up of conservatives, green and free democrats.
