In a referendum, the Swiss supported the legalization of same-sex marriage


The results of twenty of the 23 Swiss cantons show that 64 percent. voters supported the plans. Voter turnout was 52 percent.

Until now, Switzerland has been one of the few European countries that has yet to legalize same-sex marriages.

“The Swiss have put a big ‘yes’ at the polls,” Olga Baranova, spokeswoman for the legalization of same-sex marriage, told AFP. – Today my country does not change. Today reflects that change in mentality in recent years. It really reflects that widespread and vital recognition of LGBT people in society. “

According to the latest public opinion poll, conducted from September 1 to 9, 53% are in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage. of the country’s population, and 27 percent think otherwise.

A poll conducted in early August found that 55 percent were in favor and 20 percent against.

Polls have shown that members of some Christian congregations and supporters of the populist Swiss People’s Party (SVP), Switzerland’s largest political party, are unlikely to support legalizing same-sex marriage.

Switzerland decriminalized homosexuality in 1942, but several local and regional police stations continued to compile “gay lists,” some of which did so until the early 1990s.

Same-sex couples can already register a civil union in Switzerland, and each year around 700 such couples are registered in the country.

However, this status does not imply the same rights as in marriage, including the right to acquire citizenship and the right to joint adoption.

After years of debate, the Swiss parliament passed a bill last December that would allow same-sex couples to marry.

However, after the opponents of this initiative collected the necessary 50 thousand. signatures, the law of the country’s direct democracy system was challenged and submitted to a referendum.

According to the bill, people of the same sex will be able to marry and have the same rights as other married couples. The project also provides lesbian access to sperm donors, and this project provision has received almost the most controversial evaluations.
