Landsberg was confirmed for his last term as president of the TS-LKD


The Vilnius Conservative Conservative Congress confirmed G. Landsbergis as party leader for another four years.

There was no vote on this during the convention because no one wanted it.

At the beginning of the year, the TS-LKD planned to hold direct and open elections for the party president, but all the nominated candidates withdrew their candidacy, except the current leader, Chancellor G. Landsbergis, and the elections were abandoned. .

Landsbergis has been recognized as the de facto president-elect of the party for another term.

Valdas Benkunskas, chairman of the TS-LKD Oversight Committee, said on Sunday that a total of 16 people had been nominated as party chairmen, 15 of whom had withdrawn their candidacies.

According to him, G. Landsberg’s candidacy for party chairmen has been raised 72 times, which is twice that of other party members.

“Support for Gabriel Landsbergis is motivated by the successful leadership of the TS-LKD and the winning elections to the Seimas, after which the ruling majority in the Seimas and the Government was formed. After eight years in the opposition of the Seimas, it is these political achievements and the consolidation of the leadership of the National Union in the political field that are directly related to the positive assessment of the activities of the president of the party ”, said V. Benkunskas.

“It is clear that both the party branches and its members, as well as other party leaders, have expressed united confidence in Mr. Landsberg and have received a de facto mandate to continue the work,” he said.

According to V. Benkunskas, taking into account the situation, the Party Supervision Committee stated that when there is only one candidate left for the election of the president, it is no longer possible to continue with the ordinary electoral procedures.

The party council confirmed that Landsbergis would begin a new term after Congress approved such a decision.

G. Landsbergis has led TS-LKD since 2015.

This party has the largest Seimas faction (50 members) and has delegated nine ministers and one prime minister to the government.
