The difficulties of Anadolu Efes: the season begins with a dramatic victory over overtime / News


Turkish and Euroleague champions Anadolu Efes Istanbul (1-0) started the new season with a tough victory.

Ergin Ataman’s students at home during the extension 94:93 (29:18, 17:19, 19:29, 21:20, 8: 7) broke Denizli’s Merkezefendi club (0-1).

In the last second of the quarter, Anadolu Ephes still led 86:83, but Adam Smith hit a triple and snatched overtime.

Still, in five more minutes, the Istanbul club proved their superiority.

Bryant Dunston, who was the best of the winners, scored 22 points (double 5/11, trit. 1/1, penalty 9/11), 4 rebounds and 3 interceptions, 2 blocks, 1 assists, 8 provoked fouls and 24 of utility. points.

Vasilije Micičius added 22 points (4/14 dvit., 2/6 trit., 8/10 penalties), 4 balls caught and 1 intercepted, 3 assists, 1 error, 10 inflicted fouls and 13 utility points.

Merkezefendi led Smith at the end of the game with 29 points (4/7 dvit., 7/12 trit.), 7 assists, 4 rebounds, 2 errors and 30 utility points.

Anafolu Efes: Bryant Dunston (double 5/11, penalty 9/11, 24 uses) and Vasilije Micičius (4/14 double, 2/6 trit) 22 each, Filip Petruševas 13 (6/6 dvit.), Adrien Moerman 12 (11th ed., 18 uses), Shane Larkin 10 (3/9 trit., 7th ed.).

„Merkezefendi“: Adamas Smithas 29 (4/7 dvit., 7/12 trit., 7 rez. Lost, 30 naud.), Rihards Lomazs 22 (5/8 trit.), Zwencylas Upsonas 15 (7/10 dvit. .., 11 atk. Kam., 23 naud.), Jeremy Hollowelas 11 (8 atk. Kam.).
