In half a minute, the Lithuanians, who scored 10 points, led Parma to the next stage of the selection.


The Permian Parma team has passed the first stage of the FIBA ​​Champions League team, being trained Kazys maksvytis and represented Adas Juškevičius to Eigirdas Žukauskas.

Lithuanian club after a tough battle 79:76 (22:12, 13:26, 19:17, 25:21) beat Israel’s Hapoel club from Elath.

With 33 seconds to go, A. Juškevičius scored a triple and pondered the result again (72:71), during the next attack by the Russian team the player added two more points with a foul and again the Perm club went ahead again. (75:73).

In the end, the Russian team took over the ball and victory was secured with four accurate shots from E. Žukauskas – 79:73.

A.Juškevičius played for 20 minutes, during which he scored 16 points (6/8 doubles, 1/5 trit., 1/1 penalty), bounced 3 balls, made 2 assists, made 2 errors, committed 2 times and collected 13 utility points.

E.Žukauskas scored 19 points (2/5 doubles, 2/6 trit., 9/9 penalty) in 31 minutes, rebounded 11 rebounds, made a successful pass, intercepted the ball, blocked the shot, once made a mistake and collected 25 utility points.

Both Lithuanians were the most productive on the team, and were best assisted by Artiomas Parakhouski, who added 12 points.

The losers scored 28 points from Bryon Allen (9/9 penalty), 16 added by Justin Patton.

In the next qualifying round, the basketball players from Perm will face the Sarthe Basket Club de Le Mans from France.

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