The entire school was closed in Šilutė district due to the COVID-19 outbreak


This school year is the first school to be closed due to COVID-19.

According to Gintarė Tamošauskienė, a doctor from the Šilutė district municipality, about half of the students in a small school have agreed to take the test.

Five cases of infection were identified during the tests. They were later confirmed by PCR tests. Some children felt clear symptoms. No cases of the virus have been identified among educators who have been vaccinated.

“The school community, perhaps frightened by the possible development of the virus, consulted after the weekend decided to be in isolation for 10 days for all, in the hope of controlling the development of the virus. Then everyone will go back to class.

In other schools, coronavirus cases are also detected during testing, but it is enough to isolate individual classes, ”said Virgilijus Pozingis, head of the Šilutė district municipal administration.

Aurelija Kripaitė / photo / Virgilijus Pozingis

Aurelija Kripaitė / photo / Virgilijus Pozingis

In Šilutė district, 5 cases of infection were detected during the last day. And although this number is lower than in recent days, when two-digit numbers were registered, there is still growth.

In the municipality, where almost 43 thousand people live. people, 247 people are currently sick. 21 people infected with COVID-19 are being treated at a local hospital.

“In the hospital, according to my data, not everyone is vaccinated. We see the spread everywhere. Children, parents, families, workplaces are also sick.

We have been seeing growth since the last week of August, and we will probably see it in the third week as well, ”said V. Pozingis, who is also the head of the district’s Emergency Management Commission.

Speaking of schools, he noted that the virus is being controlled in them. However, by the end of the lessons, it is already impossible to control children taking off their masks.

V. Pozingis was glad that the people of Šilutė are quite actively vaccinated. About a thousand people in the district were vaccinated last week.
