The epidemiological map of COVID-19 becomes increasingly “black”: 15 municipalities already belong to zone D, “yellow” – only 3


According to the latest data from the Department of Statistics, during the weekend many municipalities “painted” black: the city and the district of Alytus, the districts of Akmenė, Pasvalys, Jurbarkas fell in the area D.

The highest indicator of the number of new cases remains in Rietavas: 1,351.4, Telšiai d. (915.9), Klaipėda city (907), Plungė, Šilutė, Joniškis, Palanga, Kretinga, Skuodas, Klaipėda, Alytus districts.

Pasvalys, Jurbarkas, Akmenė and Alytus districts fall into the “black” zone according to the percentage of positive research. “By hair” of the worst epidemiological area is the district of Utena, nearby – Šiauliai city municipality.

Statistics Department data

It is recalled that the “black” zone means that the incidence in the municipalities in the last 14 days has exceeded 500 new cases per 100,000. the proportion of the population or positive diagnostic tests exceeded 10% in 7 days.

Three other municipalities still belong to the “yellow” zone: Anykščiai, Kupiškis and Raseiniai.

The total number of new illnesses in 14 days is 100,000. the population increased to 385.6 cases and the proportion of positive diagnostic tests at seven days remains similar at 6.4 percent.

Up to 874 are already being treated in hospitals.

It is recalled that the Lithuanian color system was approved in February this year as a quarantine release plan. In the past, these color indicators were associated with specific restrictions and exemptions, but now the stricter measures are primarily associated with hospital employment. Initially, it was anticipated that the new restrictions would wait for the occupancy of beds to reach 250-300.

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 847 COVID-19 patients, 86 of them in resuscitation, according to data from the Department of Statistics released Monday.

Oxygen is added to 717 people and 49 patients receive artificial lung ventilation. 69 people were hospitalized for COVID-19 per day. It was 85 the day before.

489 new cases of coronavirus were identified the day before, killing 19 people. Most of the deaths occurred in the 70-79 and 80-89 age groups: six deaths each, as well as four deaths in the 90-99 age group, one death between 60 and 69 years and two between 40 and 49 years. years.

Of the deaths, 16 were not vaccinated, three were vaccinated, and the latter were 70 years or older.

The number of new diseases in 14 days is 100,000. the population increased to 385.6 cases and the proportion of positive diagnostic tests at seven days remains similar at 6.4 percent.

In the country, 3,582 molecular tests (PCR) and 3,796 antigens to the presumed coronavirus were carried out on the last day.

In Lithuania, a total of 308,000 COVID-19 patients have fallen ill since the start of the pandemic. 956 people, of which 9663 are still ill.

A total of 4,711 people died from COVID-19, of which 57 were fully vaccinated. 9,458 deaths were directly and indirectly related to COVID-19.

New restrictions have come into force

On Monday, September 13, restrictions will be applied for those who do not have a passport in the country. They are close to great stores, cafes, bars, beauty salons, major events and entertainment venues.

As of September 13, all contact services and economic activities and events will be organized (with certain exceptions) only for people who meet the criteria of the opportunity passport.

Restrictions will be avoided in individuals who have been fully vaccinated with COVID-19, as well as those who have acquired immunity after receiving coronavirus or who have had it in the last 48 hours. a negative PCR test or a rapid antigen test. Restrictions do not apply to children under the age of 16. As before, the studies on the possibility of obtaining a passport are still paid.

The portal reminds me that I wrote in more detail about the new restrictions.
