Summer is not only a holiday, but also a time of testing. This year, 3,298 graduates will graduate from schools in Kaunas. One in twenty decided not to even take the tests, but twice as many wanted to retake the tests they had taken before.
Did not appear on the exam
The English language maturity test on Monday and Tuesday, which opened the maturity test session, went smoothly, according to education experts. No person was excluded from the exam.
But there were those who simply did not come. “There were two or three of them in each examination center, and in some places even ten. But most of them, with justifiable reasons”, – Vilija Adaškevičienė, the chief specialist of the Department of Education of the Municipality of the city of Kaunas he tried to count.
According to her, some people decided that the results of the international exam in English would be sufficient for them, although they are valid for a couple of years and are not written on the high school diploma, but are adequate to form the entrance score.
Others did not come because they may have simply changed their minds or prevented them from coming. It was possible to choose more exams and think about which ones to take. It is enough to pass two exams to obtain a certificate.
161 dropped out of school
This year, there were not only those who did not attend the first exam, but also those who did not register for the exams.
“All, except 161 graduates who dropped out of school, have been admitted to the maturity exams,” V. Adaškevičienė, the chief specialist of the Department of Education of the Municipality of Kaunas City, told the portal kauno.diena.lt. He clarified that anyone can take the exams, even those with a negative annual evaluation of the subject.
Why did more than 150 drop out of school this year? According to the expert, this has little to do with the characteristics of this year, distance education and the coronavirus. This school year, based on the number of students who made that decision, is not special. This year, the number is higher, but slightly.
“Testing takes place not only in general education schools, but also in vocational and adult education centers. And the students in them have the right to choose to take maturity exams, they also have the right to change their minds, “explained V. Adaškevičienė.
All but 161 graduates who dropped out were admitted to the maturity exams.
Exam – without mask
How was the English exam taken this year, which opened the exam marathon? What is different from last year’s emergency?
“Additional centers were needed because the exam was considered in smaller groups. We use various progymnasiums, ”said V. Adaškevičienė. Jonas Paulius Gymnasium accepted the Maironis Gymnasium students, because their gym is being repaired.
According to the expert, the only possible drawback during the exam for students is the requirement to wear gloves when using dictionaries. Facial masks may or may not be worn during the exam. They are only necessary when entering the room or if you need to leave for a short time during the exam.
The English exam is the most popular free-choice exam. The number of those who chose it in Kaunas differs little from the Lithuanian language and literature exam, which is compulsory.
The third most popular is the math exam – 1901, followed by history – 989 candidates. The popularity of all exams remained similar to that of previous years.
300 resumed
Several Kaunas graduates have chosen to take even six maturity exams, but are unable to attend some. “In total, candidates could choose and take no more than seven maturity exams, but there are no such in Kaunas,” said V. Adaškevičienė.
This year, fifty-one graduates from last year and 270 (external) high school graduates have joined the ranks of those who have taken the maturity exams.
Most of last year’s 48 graduates who decided to retake any test chose to test their knowledge of Lithuanian language and literature (12), mathematics (11), and geography (8) again.
Just over a third of strangers, 106 of 270, will retake the state biology exam. 84 will retake the Lithuanian language and literature exam, 25 – math exam, 23 – chemistry exam.
The English test results are in late July and early August. “There are enough exam evaluators. The city of Kaunas offers evaluators and others as well,” said V. Adaškevičienė.
Remote – testing only
Due to quarantine, there was no national test of achievement for second, fourth, sixth, and eighth graders, nor was there the traditional test of basic education achievement, which is conducted annually to the tenths. Only remote pilot tests were performed.
Ideas for remote exams, should the need arise next year, are not currently being considered.