is trying to divert public attention from the corruption scandal


“Yesterday I spoke with the prosecutor conducting the investigation, he told me that there is a stage at the moment when documents are still being worked on and procedural actions are being carried out that it is simply better not to make them public yet. They will say it all when the time comes, ”M. Maldeikis told reporters at the Seimas.

The politician says he understands the resonance in society because, he said, political corruption is in everyone’s interest. Still, he said, he simply had to wait until the problem was resolved and the STT could provide more information.

Still, Maldeikis admits that the current situation, when he cannot comment on the ongoing investigation, leaves a lot of room for interpretation by some politicians.

“Because it seems that the situation is hanging, then there are questions, one or another politician can interpret it as it looks and then you play in his, let’s name, narrative and that, I think, is very bad,” he said. saying.

The Seimas member believes that M. Puidokas, by forming a certain narrative in the public space about the strength of the STT officials used against him, diverts attention from the essence: the accusations of corruption made against his assistant.

“I think this is a kind of defensive tactic. I really don’t want to delve into who is to blame, who is to blame, but what I see is what I see as a certain defense and formulation of a certain position. I would like everything to be shown as it is, with what I have found, to tell that story so that everything is clear so that you have all the answers. It would be easier for everyone, “he said.

Mr. Maldeikis is also surprised by Mr. Puidoko’s allegations that the STT used force against him. The politician is convinced that if a member of the Seimas had not resisted the legitimate instructions of the officials, it would not have been necessary to use force.

“There is immunity, but I still consider it a privilege for us. And I can only judge other episodes for myself. If people came to me from the structures with a judicial decision to give this or that, I would have no doubts as to whether I should give or not. It’s just a matter of attitude and what you’re hiding, “Maldeikis said.

“You have to understand that it was not invented by some officials, it was a judicial decision, it was examined, it was looked at deeply and if they made the decision that it should have happened, then I think they did it without thinking otherwise.”, He stressed.
