A minor who died in the Santara clinics saved the lives of two people over the weekend


The death of a minor was recorded in the resuscitation clinics on Friday. After the relatives gave their consent for the transplant, it was determined that all the young man’s organs and tissues are suitable for transplantation: lungs, kidney complex and pancreas, heart, liver, corneas.

“The loss of a young man who has not even reached the age of majority is extremely painful and difficult to bear. I express my deepest condolences and special thanks to my relatives for having been able to make a generous decision at such a difficult time and thus give to other people the hope of a fuller life in the future, ”the report cites Artūras Bagotyrius, director of the National Transplant Office.

The extremely complex operations that began on Saturday morning, involving a large number of doctors from various fields, went on throughout the weekend.

Rare and complex kidney and pancreas surgeries have been performed at Santara clinics. The organ recipient, according to the doctors, was very lucky: he was added to the waiting list just a few days ago.

Meanwhile, a kidney-pancreas complex donor is extremely rare: it was last registered five years ago, in 2016.

In these clinics another kidney transplant was performed, for a patient who had been waiting for a donor for five months.

Transplanted and rarely donated lungs. They were transported to the Kaunas clinics for emergency surgery. This year is the first lung transplant in Lithuania, it is done once or twice a year. The lung transplant surgery was performed on a recipient who had been waiting for nearly five years.

According to Professor Povilas Jakuška, head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the Clinic for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery of the Kaunas Clinics, lung recipients have to wait a long time at a time due to the higher compliance requirements of the organs. Anthropometric data and blood group matching are very important for lung fitness.

Transplants of liver and cornea pairs were also performed at the Kaunas clinics. The liver transplant was performed on a special day for the recipient: on his birthday.

There was no suitable recipient in Lithuania for a suitable heart for donation, it was offered to foreign countries. The correct receiver came from Germany, so a team of German specialists arrived on Saturday to bring the organ to their country.

About a hundred and a half organ transplants are performed each year. This year there have been more than 50 of them.

Today, six people await a lung transplant, four for the pancreas and kidney complex, 113 for the kidney, 89 for the liver, 41 for the heart, five for the heart and lung complex and 137 for the cornea.

Patients with the right organ or tissue wait a wide variety of times, from a few months to several years. For some, transplantation would significantly improve quality of life, give them the opportunity to be more independent, move more freely, and work. For others, it would literally give them a second chance at life.

[email protected], +370 645 093 86, Lithuania News Department
