Liucina Rimgailė, who is preparing for Easter, shares an unconventional muffin recipe: it will melt in your mouth


“Easter is a celebration of rebirth, of new life, and now I carry it in my heart, that’s why beautiful emotions are not lacking,” says Lucina, who has been preparing the section “My day” on social networks together with Rimi supermarket.

(6 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Liucina Rimgailė, Prepping for Easter, Shares Offbeat Pistachio Lemon Muffin Recipe

In the latest show, Lucina shares tips on preparing for Easter and planning a festive table for which the entrepreneur has found a range of matching plates for the “My Day” range.

There were always two Easter celebrations

Since one of Lucina’s grandmothers is Catholic and the other is Orthodox, her family celebrated two Easter. What the traditions of these two religions have in common is that the festive table is covered, and it is necessary to check which egg is stronger. Meanwhile, the tradition of rolling eggs was established only with one of the grandmothers: “I remember that together with the Catholic grandmother we prepared for the celebration together – we laid eggs, we went to church to celebrate the most important goods, we continued to fast. Meanwhile, on Easter morning, the whole family got together and couldn’t eat until I tried the consecrated egg, bread, and sausage. After that my sister and I got chocolate eggs, and I really liked the ceramic Easter lamb; it is still the truest symbol of this holiday for me. “

After forming her family, Lucina invites her grandmothers to celebrate Easter at her or her parents’ home: “Regardless of who we sit with, we always take care of our mother and grandmother with meat dishes. Grandma makes homemade rolls and cooks her tongue and special sausages, while Mom makes a necklace with prunes. There is no shortage of mixes, horseradish and other seasonings. I will definitely take care of the sweets, this year it will be an Easter granny with pistachio and lemon cream. “

Easter Lucina is associated with greenery, kittens, yellow flowers, so when setting the table, pay close attention to its decoration. “I can’t imagine a festive table without fresh yellow flowers, soggy ‘kittens’, and when Easter comes in mid-April, I always pick up the lights, then there is a real spring atmosphere and smell at home,” says L Rimgailė, traditionally you will travel after the festive breakfast to nature. “The nature around our house is beautiful, that is why we do not miss the opportunity to enjoy it, move around and notice how little by little everything begins to turn green, the birds are back.”

Easter range – carefully selected

This year, Liucina before Easter, who will not be able to visit and invite her grandmothers, wondered what from the range of the Rimi retail chain would be suitable to complement her festive table. Aistė Rasmussen, Rimi Lietuva Production Manager, interviewed by L. Rimgailė, said that when preparing Easter offers to customers, several criteria are followed: “First, we analyze which products were the most popular in previous years, then we review the This year’s food trends and look for the golden mean. Lovers of traditional flavors want what lovers of new flavors want. “

The food expert says that shoppers often choose the “My Day” products that take the longest to produce, such as chicken or stuffed carp, tongue, sushi. “During the pandemic, cakes and small pies for a family of 2 to 4 people also became popular. The same trend is observed with other dishes: more often smaller portions are bought for 1-2 people ”, says the production manager.

Pistachio and lemon Easter cake Liucina Rimgailė

Will need:

200ml full

200 ml of coconut cream (you can pour only 400 ml of milk)

160ml oil

2 lemons

280g of sugar

400g flour

200g ground pistachios

4 teaspoons baking powder

2 teaspoons ground cardamom

Combine milk, oil, sugar, lemon peel, and juice with a whisk in a bowl. Sift the flour with the baking powder and the cardamom there, stir. Finally, add the ground pistachios.

Pour everything in a fairly large volume and bake for about 1 hour. 20 minutes. At the end, check with a wooden stick, which should remain dry when inserting and removing. If it’s still damp, bake for another 10-15 minutes.

After baking and cooling, sprinkle with icing sugar or, as in this case, dissolve 100g of white chocolate, cover the edges and sprinkle with pistachio crumbs. Delicious!
