In California, parents of five children died in a huge redwood tree


The accident occurred last week on the north coast of the state, with the car driving down a scenic highway. According to, the 53-foot-tall tree fell on Highway 199 in a wooded area near Jedediah Smith’s Redwood State Park.

Jake Woodruff and his wife, Jessica, took this fun trip on March 25 to celebrate the woman’s 45th birthday. The spouses and their children lived in the city of Vaireka.

Officials still don’t know why the tree fell, said Brandy Gonzalez, an official with the SFBate California Brand Patrol Service. There was no strong wind at the time – a nearby automatic gauging station recorded only 9 miles per hour of wind speed, said National Weather Service (NWS) meteorologist Ryan Aylward.

“The area is heavily forested,” González said. – Trees everywhere. It happened in the middle of the redwood [girios]. The forest is old and we do not understand why the tree boiled. It was mother nature. “

The page that raised family support funds through the GoFundMe crowdfunding platform had raised more than 165,000 on Tuesday. dollars (141 thousand euros).

“This event is shocking and unexpected. The tragedy of this disaster makes it difficult to admit that it is real, says the page.” These five children are now orphans and face a lifetime.
