Captured with makeup, MPEMartynenko expresses support for LGBT: “Yellow, green, red – also in the rainbow” | Names


The actor agreed to share the post about the LGBT community published in the book. 15 minutesas users. By adding a photo with makeup, he also resented the hatred that spread in society against people of other orientations.

“Here is my photo from a very personal archive.

I would like to express my support for the LGBT community in Lithuania. Anyway, it seems to be living in my social bubble and everything is fine. There is no hatred, no intimidation, no aggression. And then, as Diedukas said: p * st and spring: the situation arises and the basis is how much shit there is.

Whatever the minority: ethnic, sexual, political or otherwise. – Our treatment of all its members shows the mentality of the nation and today it reveals itself quite angry and intolerant.

I understand that facebook’o post’ais We will gain nothing, but all disorders in thoughts and in societies begin with people having thoughts, they become words, they become actions, actions become habits, and these determine destiny.

I wish I had more fun in these bad times. The rainbow has capacity for seven colors: yellow, green and red also between them.

P.S. Hatemail I like to receive messages, comments and calls, but most of all, in exhaled pink envelopes, ”added MPEMartynenko.
