Seimas Spokesperson: The initiative to remove T. Raskevičius from the heads of the committees is not a request


“The citizens’ initiative, the list that was presented to me, is a list of surnames, it is not a signature,” the president of Seimas told LRT radio on Wednesday.

“From what I have had to look at that list, it contains names, there are emails, but it is not possible to speak of that initiative as a petition because it does not meet the requirements for such documents,” he said. .

V.Čmilytė-Nielsen stated that it would be difficult to verify the authenticity of some of the data, because only a third of the phones are listed.

15-minute photo / Victoria Čmilytė-Nielsen

15-minute photo / Victoria Čmilytė-Nielsen

The Seimas Spokesperson also mentioned that she had personally received around 400 emails confirming that people really support the initiative, but according to her, this is only one percent of the total list.

V.Čmilytė-Nielsen also hinted that he will meet with the organizers of another initiative on Thursday. According to her, this will be the response of the followers of TVRaskevičius.

The head of parliament said he welcomed all public initiatives, but stressed that calls to remove one or the other parliamentarian from the Seimas commissions were contrary to the principles of democracy.

According to the president of the Seimas, in this case it is appropriate to act consistently both in the requests for the expulsion of Petras Gražulis from the Culture Commission and in the requests for the withdrawal of TVRaskevičius.

“If we talk about the Human Rights Committee today, maybe next time there will be calls to review the composition of the Seimas Defense and National Security Committee,” said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

On February 23, the citizens who organized the action against the president of the Seimas Human Rights Committee presented the head of parliament, according to them, more than 300 thousand. people’s signatures to free TVRaskevičius from these positions.

“A request has been made for the removal of Tomas Raskevičius from the post of chairman of the Human Rights Committee, as mixed public and private interests are not taking into account the rights of a small group of society”, Raimondas Grinevičius, one of the initiators

According to him, part of society is also outraged by the bills proposed by the head of the Human Rights Committee.
