This procedure will take effect on March 10.
“All persons returning to or arriving in the Republic of Lithuania on regular, special and charter passenger transport routes (all modes of transport) must have a document (with translation into Lithuanian, English or Russian) about the person not before of the 72 hours. the COVID-19 test carried out during the period prior to the return or arrival in the Republic of Lithuania and the negative result received (the response of the serological antibody tests is not recognized) ”, states the Government’s resolution.
Among other things, passenger companies must “ensure that passengers who do not have a COVID-19 test and no negative test results do not enter the vehicles.”
Exceptions apply to crew and crew members, persons in transit through Lithuania, persons under the age of 16, as well as persons vaccinated or relapsed when the diagnosis has been confirmed “on the basis of an antigen or a PCR test positive for the SARS-CoV-2 test “.
Until now, this procedure has been regulated by the decisions of the Operations Manual, which stipulated that arrivals or returnees from countries on the list of affected countries must have a COVID-19 study conducted no earlier than two days prior to arrival or do it. in Lithuania.