During the week, the NVSC inspected nearly 570 outlets and service outlets, 15 of which were violations


According to the agency, specialists last week inspected 471 beauty and other services, 92 non-food establishments, four medical facilities and one social care facility.

The NVSC identified breach of quarantine conditions at seven beauty and other services, as well as seven non-food stores and one social care facility.

The main violations recorded at the beauty service locations are: respirators are not used and the customer area is not provided.

At the time, the most common infringements at the POS were the use of non-medical cloth masks, panels or masks, and uninsured hand hygiene and disinfection products.

The Center observes that, although priority is given to those economic activities that resume their activities after the lifting of quarantine restrictions, visits from NVSC, police, municipalities and specialists from the State Food and Veterinary Service can also be received by companies that have not ceased their activities.

“At the moment, it is very important that everyone, both companies and customers, users of the service, be as focused as possible. Infection prevention is the key to success in opening a door,” says Rolanda Lingienė, director of the NVSC Vilnius department.

From October to February 21 last year, NVSC specialists inspected 2,890 sites to verify compliance with quarantine conditions, 67 of which were found in violation.

To stop the spread of the coronavirus, a quarantine regime was introduced in Lithuania in early November. It has been extended this week until the end of March.

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