LeBron James can’t say how many more years he plans to play basketball.
But the Los Angeles Lakers star is sure to find out for himself when it’s time to go.
“I don’t know how much more I’m going to play basketball. I don’t know how much longer I can be of use in this game. The game will give me an idea of when it will be the moment and then I will decide, ”said James.
The 36-year-old basketball player’s contract with the Lakers will be for two more seasons and he will become a free agent when his son Bronny can participate in the rookie trade.
“The contract will end when I have played 20 seasons. The best part is that my son graduated from school that same year. Then, I will have more options,” he said.
This season, James scores 25.6 points, bounces 8 balls and has 8 assists.
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