Olek decided: he would try to replace current LSDP leader Paluck


According to Olek, various chapters of the LSDP urge him to run for the party presidency, and he, in turn, agreed to do so when he saw the undocumented Social Democratic community of Paluck.

“Some friends from various departments invited me and nominated me; I have given my consent,” Olek told Elta on Thursday.

“One of the reasons I agreed to run is to mobilize all of our friends to work together for the benefit of the Lithuanian people, in the direction of social justice and social democratic prosperity. During the years we worked with Gintautas Paluckas, it seems to me that we did not achieve that approach. Several things happened, there were electoral results that were badly evaluated by the LSDP council. I believe that my life experience, my work experience in the party, my experience in the European Parliament, my experience in bringing different people together is very necessary. For this reason, I believe that the new presidential election is our opportunity to focus and win in the next municipal elections, ”said the politician.

“Social Workers” Who Value LSDP Values ​​May Come Back
Asked if the stated desire to mobilize the Social Democrats also means that, when he becomes president, he would consider returning to the LSDP in 2017. After retiring and later establishing the Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party (LSDDP) as a politician , J. Olekas said he did not rule out that possibility.

“I don’t see the possibility of the parties merging (LSDP and LSDDP), but I see people – people of our views – joining our ranks. Those who value our values,” said J. Olekas, adding that in such In this case, the request of individual politicians who have declared their desire to return to the LSDP would be evaluated by separate departments.

“It just came to our attention then. But it is very important to me not only that someone comes back, but also that new people come,” said the MEP.

After the October elections to the Seimas, G. Paluck received much criticism from the LSDP for his historically poor results for the party. Influential LSDP members urged G. Paluckas, as responsible for the unsuccessful Seimas elections, to resign in letters to the public and the party community.

Paluck’s additional leadership was also discussed at a remote LSDP Board meeting on Wednesday. Some parties called for Paluck to resign and for the party to seek a more focused leader.
Paluck, for his part, acknowledged at the beginning of the council meeting that major mistakes had been made, but on the other hand he noted that other party leaders should also take responsibility.

“Sometimes I felt like a conductor without an orchestra, I spoke alone. When many of us, our roster and regional leaders were comfortably silenced. Therefore, I take full responsibility for those results today and I do not blame anyone. to the mirror and admit mistakes. My confession is sincere, I hope it will help us take a small step forward, “G. Paluckas told the parties on Wednesday.

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