According to SBGS, from January 15, the conditions for those arriving or traveling in Latvia will be further tightened. From now on, they will be asked to report a negative COVID-19 test, which must be done no later than 72 hours in advance.
At the same time, the requirements entered above for filling in the mandatory questionnaires for those traveling to Latvia are valid. There is also a requirement that incoming persons be isolated for 10 days and from medical personnel for 14 days.
Improved controls continue to enter Latvia via 6 main roads on the border with Lithuania. These are the locations of the former border checkpoints Būtingė – Rucava, Kalviai – Meitenė, Saločiai – Grenctalė, Germaniškis – Skaistkalnė, Obeliai – Subatė and Smėlynė – Medumis.
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