According to the laboratory, after the envelopes are opened, their conformance to technical specifications, qualification and other requirements will be further examined. More detailed information will be posted at the end of this process.
The acquisition will lead to three contracts for the acquisition of these test tools, a total of 300 thousand. rapid antigen testing units.
“These tests are a modern and rapid diagnostic tool to determine whether a person is infected with the coronavirus. In Germany, for example, rapid antigen tests are already in use and have proven to be an effective tool in the fight against this virus. Insidious. From now on, they will also be used in Lithuania, according to the recommendations provided by the experts, “says Danas Bakša, Director of NVSPL.
This is the second contract, the tender was terminated for the first time on December 23 due to complaints from suppliers after deciding to review the technical specification of the contract. Then the NVSPL announced that it had specified specifications for rapid antigen tests based on expert recommendations provided at the time. Meanwhile, potential suppliers submitted complaints and inquiries regarding non-compliance with these requirements with the provisions on test sensitivity, specificity, and other indicators established after the announcement of the tender by the Minister. The central contracting authority, for its part, had indicated that the purchasing conditions were likely to restrict competition.
According to the head of the NVSPL, the objective of the second contract was to reduce the risks of delaying the appeal and the execution of the measures, so the contract was divided into three equal parts under identical conditions.
“If any vendor decided to appeal the results, rapid antigen tests acquired elsewhere in the procurement would be used,” the lab said.
According to the NSAID, these tests show that there is currently an active coronavirus infection in about half an hour, so they are important when a quick response is needed to see if a person has coronavirus. According to the laboratory, these tests are particularly useful in the presence of virus outbreaks and outbreaks, where large volumes of samples need to be analyzed simultaneously and there is no time or capacity to analyze them using the usual PCR assay.
Rapid antigen tests can be performed in symptomatic individuals no later than 5 days after the onset of symptoms and no later than 7 days after exposure, and in people who have been in contact or potentially ill.
For rapid antigen tests, as well as for molecular tests (PCR), a sample from the nasopharynx is used.
This type of test is cheaper, allows people to be tested faster, and does not require highly qualified personnel to perform the tests.
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