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Dainius Adomaitis appeared in Jerusalem, where he participated in the first press conference as Hapoel’s new coach.
Fines are being issued this season
The strategist began his speech by congratulating the former Hapoel Oded Kattash coach and assured that he is now satisfied with everything.
“First of all, I would like to congratulate coach Kattash on a new step in his career and thank the club’s leadership (for the opportunity),” Adomaitis began at the conference. – I am very happy to be here and it is a great honor for me. I have worked in this field and I know the environment that can be in it. I hope to see you very soon. “
“When it comes to goals, everything is clear to everyone. We have to reach the maximum and sacrifice every time we are on the field. My concentration is one game ahead, which will allow me to improve also in training,” added the new Hapoel strategist.
– Did you see the game yesterday, what do you think of the line-up and do you plan a change in it?
– I have seen matches of more than one team and I liked what I saw. I think we are quite talented and the basketball players played with the right mindset. Some players play together for more than one season, so they know each other. At least for now, I’m not going to change anything.
– What style of basketball would you like to see on the team?
– For me, the team is the most important thing, everyone has to do everything possible to make the team the best it can be. On the basketball court, I would like us to use our strengths. The situation is not easy, we will have to be smart because we are in the middle of the season, so I will definitely not make a revolution and I will not change five or anything like that. But step by step I will try to make some changes.
– What do you think of the team’s chances in the Champions League?
– We still have a chance and we will fight it, but now we are thinking about Sunday’s game.
– What objectives did the club’s management set itself?
– You probably know this club even better than I do. The team always sets ambitious goals, that’s why we have to fight for titles.
– What is the great challenge to take over the team in the middle of the season?
– Sure, it’s a challenge, but I like it. We have a good team and that is the most important thing. The organization is amazing and from what I see everyone is trying to help me.
– You worked in Lithuania and in the national team, but now you come to a completely different culture. How do you feel outside of your comfort zone?
– We are talking about basketball, what is my life. I have been a professional player since I was 17 years old and now I am a coach. Basketball is similar throughout, as it is played five on five with one ball. Of course, there are specific things in the Israeli League and for me it is a challenge that I am willing to take on.
– Did you consult with someone before coming to the club?
– Of course, I spoke with people who were in the club in one way or another. From everyone, I only heard good words.
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