Dakar Rally: In the penultimate section of speed, Hawk is close to the top ten


In fact, Thursday was supposed to be the longest stage: 511 km, but the organizers shortened it by 63 km.

In addition, another 70km will be subtracted from two neutralization sections, so the participants will have to travel less than 400 kilometers of combat on Thursday.

Runners will be greeted by sand dunes, whose participants have not seen for several days. They will extend this stretch of speed by more than a hundred kilometers.

This stage is basically the last difficult step of the rally. On Friday, in the final stage, the participants will have just 225 km of formal speed to the finish line.

On Thursday, the start is only 2 km from the bivouac, after the finish, 134 km to the bivouac in Yanbu.

“It starts fast, with gravel roads and narrow canyons, then a neutralization stretch. After him, again fast sectors in the valleys, there will be some sand, winding gravel with stones. There is an urgent need to adapt to changing conditions. Later, a second section of neutralization, after which we jumped into the dunes for the last time. There is a warning that you need to drive carefully here, there may be rocks in the dunes.

The dunes themselves, maybe 50 km. In the end, off-road with canyons, rocky gravel, the exact work of the boaters will be important here. It ends – again in the Red Sea “, – Kreda’s co-driver Darius Vaičiulis spoke about the speed section.

Dakar Stage XI


B. The falcon after 306 km (WP6) is fixed in the tenth position.

After 215 km, Laisvydas Kancius was set in sixth place (+13: 21 min. From G. Enrico).

A. Gelažninkas is 24th in the general classification after 306 km (34:18 min. From the leader S. Sunderland). Lithuanian is the leader in the singles category.

After the third point of the road (127 km): 23. Edvinas Juškauskas (+9: 38 min. From the leader) 29. Gintas Petrus (+12: 20 min.) 42. Antanas Juknevičius (+24: 33)

The hawk presses: it fixes in place 260 after 260 km (10:41 min. From S. Peterhansel). The position of the Lithuanian crew will change, but it seems that it will remain in the top 10, because in the 45km stage the leader lost only 22 seconds. In other words, the Lithuanian crew was almost as fast as S. Peterhanselis.

Hawk v. Ch. Lavieille, who was tenth in the overall standings before this stage, leads by 4:16 min. and finish dissolving the deficit it had before Phase XI. After the X stages, the Lithuanian crew was 6 minutes behind this Frenchman. 21 sec.

B. Vanagas, who has covered 215 km, is provisionally set in 7th position (+10: 19 min. From S. Peterhansel).


G. Petrus is 28th after 127 km (+12: 20 min. From the leader), A. Juknevičius – 35º (+24: 33 min.).

After 127 km, E. Juškauskas (22 years, +9: 38 min.) Is ahead of Ch. Lavieille (24 v. +10: 29 min.), Who took tenth place in the general classification before this stage.

A. Gelažninkas is in 25th place after 127 km (+29: 41 min. From leader K. Benavides). Lithuanian is the first in the “single” category.

L. Kancius is set in 7th place after 127 km (+12: 17 min. From leader Giovanni Enrico).

After point 2 of the road (85 km): 23. Gintas Petrus (+8: 02 min. From the leader) 24. Edvinas Juškauskas (+8: 08) 42. Antanas Juknevičius (+18: 45)

B.Vanagas registers the 15th result in the third point of the route (+10: 29 min. From C. Sainzo).

After the first point on the road (41 km): 25. Edvinas Juškauskas (+3: 36 min. From the leader) 27. Gintas Petrus (+3: 47) 44. Antanas Juknevičius (+10: 36)

It’s hard to believe that that could have happened. The Spanish Joan Barreda Bort, one of the leaders in the motorcycle classification, missed the refueling point after traveling 267 km and was thus condemned to an incredible failure. https://twitter.com/dakar/status/1349634670074466304?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

After 127 km Vanagas – 8th preliminary (+8: 18 min. From the leader Carlos Sainz). By the way, after 85 km, the Lithuanian had 3:04 minutes. lead over C. LAVIEILLE, who ranks 10th overall.

Peter gives pictures from the starting point: https://www.facebook.com/PetrusRacingTeam/posts/455198082555522&width=500&show_text=false&height=275&appId

Juškauskas’s thoughts before the start: https://www.facebook.com/JuskauskasEdvinas/posts/127488625870591&width=500&show_text=false&height=282&appId

Hawk tentatively registers the 7th result in the second point of the road (+05: 38 min. From leader Carlos Sainz). At the first point on the road, his score was 13.

A. Gelažninkas is ranked 26th overall (14:49 min. From the leader). https://twitter.com/dakar/status/1349616801240461312?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

Antanas Juknevičius and Darius Vaičiulis started, immediately behind them, the duo of Edvinas Juškauskas and Aisvydas Paliukėnas. https://www.facebook.com/AntanasJukneviciusDakar/posts/3569355903141095&width=500&show_text=true&height=492&appId

Vanagas started from 11th place after 41 km – 10 (from the leader S. Peterhanselis 02:31 min.). https://twitter.com/dakar/status/1349629151595126786?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

Kancius 10 and 85 km.

B. Vanagas begins. https://www.facebook.com/BenediktasVanagas/posts/3589142887817995&width=500&show_text=false&height=282&appId

A. Gelažninkas is the first in the “singles” classification, after 85 km the Lithuanian is 26th in the general motorcycle stand, 9:34 minutes behind the leader.

L. Kancius is tenth in the ATV classification after 41 km.

Laisvydas Kancius is already on the track.

A. Gelažninkas has already covered 41 km, after the first point on the road he settles in 23rd place (from the leader 3:50 min.). https://twitter.com/dakar/status/1349594166175608832?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

Arūnas is traditionally the first Lithuanian to join the starting line of a new stage. The Lithuanian started from 22nd position. Https://www.facebook.com/arunas.gelazninkas/posts/3652689321444177&width=500&show_text=true&height=707&appId


