Media: The owner will have to rebuild the almost demolished house in Perkūno alley from scratch.


According to the portal, the commission that met on Tuesday also decided to assess the damage to the building in a month, it will be calculated by evaluating the state of restoration of the entire building, except the foundations, which were not destroyed.

The cost of restoring some of the destroyed façade elements will also be added to the amount.

“The owner of the building did not obey the demands of the department, they appealed to the court. It was required to protect the surviving elements of the building, make an inventory of them, store them. However, both the demolition work, which was carried out through more than detailed mechanized dismantling of the building elements, as well as the environmental impact, the climatic conditions, which were not taken to remove, irreversibly affected the elements still standing. Therefore, the commission made the decision to calculate the damages for the entire volume of the building, ”said Robertas Motuzas, advisor to the director of the CRD.

This means that the owner will have to restore the entire building, not the demolished part.

According to R. Motuzas, given that technically it will not be possible to rehabilitate the building in any other way, it will be necessary to select each element separately, inspect them, assess the condition and possible use.

He also said that design documentation is being prepared, materiality, historical and technological research is being carried out.

“Currently, the building in Perkūno Alley is as it was when the demolition work stopped. The building was not protected from rain, snow, wind or other weather conditions. The ruins of the house are covered with snow in the courtyard, and passersby who walk next to them can see what the rooms were like that were previously hidden by the walls. Apparently, some of the construction boards will soon come off the back down, “says the lrt article. lt.

The CRD commission also decided that the house would have to be restored not according to the original project of the well-known interwar architect Alexander Gordevičius, but according to that project, which was implemented during the construction of the villa in 1928.

According to R. Motuzas, it is possible to do it with the photos available and the dimensions of the building.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / House illegally demolished in Kaunas

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / House illegally demolished in Kaunas

The Damage Determination Commission formed by the CRD has six members: representatives of the CRD and the municipality of the city of Kaunas, independent experts. There is also a non-commissioned accountant who calculates the amounts for damages and repairs.

The State Inspectorate for Land Planning and Construction has also issued an order to restore the part of the house of Petras Ruseckas (1883-1945), former bookseller, participant in the struggle for independence, writer and journalist, which was demolished in Žaliakalnis.

The current owner of the building, Artūras Dankovskis, promised to send his comment to the portal later.

A. Dankovskis began to demolish the house built in 1928 without permission in mid-October, he said that the building is not included in the register of protected cultural values. The demolition work stopped a few days after it started.

Heritage conservationists acknowledge that the house at Perkūno Alley 11 is not listed on the Register of Cultural Heritage, but emphasize that the area where this village is located is a protected cultural heritage site by the Kaunas City Municipality.

According to the CRD, in 2012 the municipal council approved the special plan for the 1st Žaliakalnis Cultural Reserve of the municipality of the city of Kaunas. All this reserve is registered in the Register of Cultural Heritage.

In the solutions of the special plan, villa Perkūno al. 11 is marked as belonging to one of the highest cultural categories, the fourth. This category includes authentic historical buildings of urban and architectural value.
