The press release states that the adopted legal act emphasizes that Lithuania won the historic victory, which at that time was headed by the president of the Supreme-Restorative Council Seimas, the top state official Vytautas Landsbergis; notes that the 1991 Soviet aggression against the 1990s March 11 During the restoration of the independent Republic of Lithuania, the signatories of the Act of Restoration of Independence, the Defenders of Freedom and volunteers showed their determination and willingness to fight and die for Freedom defending the Lithuanian Parliament.
The resolution emphasizes that on January 13 it makes clear to all generations that Freedom is not just a gift, it has not been given, it has been earned with blood; points out that this event is one of the factors that contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the totalitarian communist regime, the consolidation of democracy and human rights in the post-Soviet space and the return of the Central and Eastern European countries to the family of European democratic states.

The “Renaissance” cycle by photographer Vilius Jasinevičius (1987-1989)
The legal act adopted condemns the decisions of the institutions of the Russian Federation to prosecute judges, prosecutors and other law enforcement officials of the Republic of Lithuania who investigated and prosecuted criminal cases of crimes against humanity committed during the aggression. from 1991 to the Soviet Union.
The Government of Lithuania is urged to take effective measures to ensure the safety of Lithuanian judges, prosecutors and other law enforcement officials involved in illegal proceedings in the Russian Federation.
It is also emphasized that in addition to being prepared to defend one’s freedom with a weapon, it is very important to strengthen the unarmed defense of freedom, develop society’s resistance to lies and misinformation, and promote historical memory.
The resolution also proposes declaring January 13, Defenders of Freedom Day, unemployment day.
The resolution was adopted by 117 votes to none and one member of the Seimas abstained.