Glaveck is outraged by his rights violated: Seimas members have not observed security until now


According to politicians, teleworking procedures significantly slow down the Seimas session and are technically inconvenient.

“The Constitution has not revoked our powers and the possibility that we participate in the Seimas session. In practically all EU countries, except perhaps Israel, you can participate in a mixed way: you can sit in the room and talk, discuss. If the question generally takes 2 minutes, then in a live session it takes between 20 and 30 seconds, “said K. Glaveckas, a MP for the Mixed Seimas group.

As a result, he said, the work is inefficient. Also, said K. Glaveckas, the Seimas members have been sitting in cabinets three or four each so far, without wearing masks.

“The Board cannot deprive the members of the Seimas of the right to participate in the session, register, participate in the discussion of topics. If such a right is deprived, in my opinion, the Constitution is violated, because the Board cannot be above the Constitution, “said the member of Seimas.

He made no secret of the fact that he had logged into the meeting on a computer, but the procedures for logging in and attending the meeting, he said, were ineffective, inconvenient.

“I want to work outside of computers, many others want to be in the hall, have a live discussion, talk with colleagues. The Seimas is a place where you discuss,” emphasized K. Glaveckas.

The politician said that during the pandemic, parliamentarians should have the opportunity to work optionally, either from the plenary hall of the Seimas or remotely.

“To be able to vote, it is necessary to dial 8 codes, accept all kinds of reconciliations, phone numbers, confirm your blood type, etc. Can you imagine what a bureaucratic and digital operation looks like? K. Glaveck made no secret of his outrage.

Colleagues also supported Valius Ąžuolas, a member of the peasant faction.

“I agree with all the thoughts expressed by Professor Kęstutis. The fundamental right is the Constitution. The Board cannot contradict the Constitution. An example is committee meetings. There is a possibility both ways: both remotely as a local, the right is guaranteed. And now the board has decided that we will eliminate that in the hall, “said V. Ąžuolas.

Valius oak

Valius oak

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

According to him, a parliamentarian must be able to authenticate both from a computer and from the Seimas.

“We know very well that laws can be approved or not approved, considered or not considered by a single vote. This means that to this day my right as a member of the Seimas has been revoked; I cannot participate in the room and vote, ”said V. Ąžuolas.

According to him, the training, which demonstrated connections to the remote work platform, showed that the system can be tampered with.

“Colleague Nekrošius demonstrated that it is possible to put an assistant on the computer, add a photo, enter a code and an assistant can vote for a member of Seimas,” said V. Ąžuolas.

The president of Seimas awaits the tolerance of his teammates

For her part, the president of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, in response to the behavior of colleagues K. Glaveckas and V. lasžuolas, said that she expected the parliamentarians to be tolerant.

According to her, the course of the first remote session of the Seimas in history has been positive so far, despite some problems that have arisen.

“What we could have expected is that the procedures are much slower than during a live session, the members of the Seimas want to reply, talk about all the issues, that is their right. I think the system works smoothly, we just passed the first law remotely, ”said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

According to her, the teleworking system is unhappy and several members of the Seimas are against it.

“If only two of the 141 members of the Seimas rebel, it is a very good result,” said the president of the Seimas.

Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen

Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

V. Čmilytė-Nielsen also stated that it is currently safer for the Seimas to work remotely.

“I think that each member of Seimas decides how constructive it should be. We are organizing this session not because it is very fun or because we want to try other ways of sitting, but because there are quarantines and many sick people in the country,” said the president of Seimas.

As a result, he said, in dire circumstances, parliamentarians should be tolerant of technical challenges.

“We want to expect Seimas members to be constructive and tolerant of some minor problems and more complicated working conditions,” emphasized V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

According to the president of the Seimas, some parliamentarians face challenges to participate in the Seimas sitting remotely, but, said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen, the details are often easy to work out.

Each problem is tried to take into account and adjust in each case. At the beginning of the Seimas session, it was obvious that not all Seimas members remember to turn on the mic on time, but these are really small details. If the first session is already running smoothly enough, we can imagine that if such meetings need to be repeated in the future, they will take place faster, without problems and there will be fewer problems, ”added the president of Seimas.

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