According to a representative survey by Spinter Research, almost nine out of ten residents are concerned that Lithuanian rail transport pollutes the environment less and makes less noise. These objectives will be achieved by electrifying the railway section between Vilnius and Klaipeda.
According to an opinion poll carried out in November, up to 85% It is important for the population that Lithuanian rail transport pollutes the environment less and makes less noise. Only 10% consider this issue to be irrelevant. surveyed.
“Based on the research data, it can be assumed that Lithuania’s rail transport, as the largest national transport institute, is important not only for the people who use or live nearby, but also for the general public. Residents care that the company representing Lithuania is as modern and environmentally friendly as possible. It is obvious that our long-term strategic plans, such as rail electrification, fully meet the expectations of the country’s population, ”says Karolis Sankovski, CEO of LTG Infra.
During Spinter’s research survey, the opinion of residents was also asked whether electrification of the railway line between Vilnius and Klaipėda is necessary for Lithuania. Up to 71% expressed their support. respondents, this project has the special support of the youngest people, with a higher level of education and with higher income. Only 9% are skeptical about the electrification of the railways. respondents and another 20%. the population does not have a clear opinion on this issue.
The railway section between Vilnius and Klaipėda, which is 731 km long, is expected to be electrified by 2023. 40% travel on this railway section. train passengers and 60% of rail freight transport.
Upon completion of the section electrification project, 30 percent will be electrified in Lithuania. railway lines. Currently, only 9 percent are electrified. railway: sections between Vilnius and Kaunas, Vilnius and Kena and Vilnius and Trakai.
It is estimated that the electrification of the railway section between Vilnius and Klaipėda will reduce the amount of pollutants emitted into the environment by 150 thousand. tons per year, as electric trains will be powered by electricity produced from renewable sources: LTG group companies buy only green energy for their own needs.
Survey of the country’s population on metro railway electrification. November 18-29. It was performed by Spinter tyrimai on behalf of LTG Infra. During the investigation, 1005 respondents aged 18 to 75 years from all over Lithuania were interviewed, the composition of which corresponds to the demographic and social situation of the country’s population.