Arnold Schwarzenegger equated the Captain’s assault with Nazi pogroms | Names


Schwarzenegger described the events of October 6 as an attempt by outgoing President Donald Trump to carry out a coup. He also equated them with Nazi German pogroms.

In a lightning-fast video posted on Twitter, the Hollywood star compared Trump supporters to the Capitol assault on Kristallnacht, a Nazi-coordinated attack in November 1938 on Jews and their property. The name came from the glass shards left in the streets the morning after the pogrom.

“Wednesday here in America was Crystal Day,” Schwarzenegger said, sitting at his desk.

The video shows the flags of the United States and California behind him.

“The windows of the United States Capitol are smashed,” he said.

“I grew up surrounded by degraded men who drowned their guilt in alcohol. They belonged to the most terrible regime in history, “continued Schwarzenegger, who was born in Austria in 1947.

“I’ve never talked about it so publicly because they are painful memories, but my father would come home drunk once or twice a week and yell at us. In addition, we were beaten and intimidated by my mother, ”said the former governor.

The action movie stars Terminator and Conan Barbara did not clearly name their father as a Nazi, but said that “my father and our neighbors were also misled by a lie, and I know where that lie leads.”

“President Trump sought to overturn the results of a fair election. He tried to carry out the coup by misleading people with lies,” said Schwarzenegger.

“President Trump is a committed leader. He will go down in history as the worst president of all time. Good thing he will soon be irrelevant, like the old Twitter message,” said the actor.

“Regardless of your political views, please join me in saying to President-elect Joe Biden: ‘President-elect, we wish you every success. If it succeeds, our country will succeed, “said A. Schwarzenegger.

“And for those who think they can ignore the United States constitution: know: you will never win,” he added.
