Photo: FIBA
RETAbet (4-14) from Bilbao, represented by Regimantas Miniotas and Arnold Kulboka, failed to climb from the bottom of the Spanish championship.
This time Lithuanians are represented at home 73: 106 (21:25, 11:22, 24:31, 17:28) had no hope against Valencia (12-6).
The miniot scored 9 points (3/3 doubles, 1/2 trit.) For the hosts in 21 minutes, it bounced 8 balls and scored 16 utility points.
Kulboka, who started the game in the fifth starter, scored 10 points (2/5 doubles, 2/2 trit) in 19 minutes, bounced 2 balls and scored 6 utility points.
The Bilbao team has achieved 4 victories in 18 games and is in 18th place in the Spanish championship.
RETAbet: Alade Aminu 17 (6/8 dvit.), John Jenkins 16, Arnold Kulboka 10, Regimantas Miniotas 9 (8 chapters).
„Valencia“: Mike’as Tobey 16, Louis Labeyrie ir Jaime’as Pradilla po 15, Samas Van Rossomas 14.