Suffered their fourth consecutive defeat in the United League Kazys maksvytis the Parma team (4/7) from Perm is being trained.
Club with Adu Juškevičius to Eigirdu Žukauskas at home 69:76 (21:19, 18:21, 16:21, 14:15) brought down the Kazan Unics basketball players (8/4), who got their fifth win in the last six games.
A.Juškevičius scored 23 points in 25 minutes (2/5 of two points, 4/8 of three points, 7/7 free throws), bounced 4 balls, made 2 assists, got a block, made 3 mistakes, made 4 times , caused 6 fouls and obtained 19 utility points.
E.Žukauskas played in 23 minutes and during this time he scored no points (0/1 two points, 0/2 three points), caught the ball, made 2 assists, made a mistake, broke the rules 2 times, caused 3 fouls and scored -1 utility score.
“Parma”: Adas Juškevičius 23, Nikolajus Žmako 8 (2/5 triples), Lorenzo Williams, Marek Mejer (5th camera), Vladimir Ivlev (8th section), Robert Johnson and Gleb Šeiko 6 each.
“Unics”: John Holland 22 (3/7 triples), Okaro White 18 (12/12 free throws), Jamar Smith 15 (3/6 triples).
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