63 Seimas members voted for them, 41 against and seven abstained.
The opposition has criticized ruling authorities for mismanaging the recent “coronavirus crisis (BNS),” with 10-11% of companies affected by the epidemic so far. promised support
The rulers explained that the investigation revealed mistakes that have now been learned.
“Peasant” Valius Ąžuolas complained that a decade ago, reserves were not accumulated, the state borrowed dearly, profits, pensions and wages were reduced, and banks were not properly supervised.
“The actions of the politicians had to pay the entire state,” he said.
Conservative Jurgis Razma, a member of the Economic Committee, accused the authorities of “dismissing the completion of the investigation.” According to him, the most important thing in the investigation was not the conclusions, but the “presidential campaign”.
“Now we are approving the Seimas resolution, where there is only one sentence: approving the conclusions of the investigation. If we look at the conclusions themselves, at the end of them, it is written there: the committee proposes something to the Office of the Attorney General, the Seimas The Government, if we do not transpose these committee proposals to the Seimas resolution, only the committee’s proposals will remain. Thanks for such a decision, which means that they are not acceptable to the Seimas, only the proposals at the committee level remained, ” said.
The conservative Kęstutis Masiulis, justifying the decisions of the politicians at that time, the conservatives were in power at that time, compared them to fire: At that time there was a fire (…), and now there are tricks, moralists, that explain how to put out the fire more carefully. “
Gintarė Skaistė, a member of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that political decisions should be evaluated by voters and not by politicians from another period.
“In 10 years, there will be other politicians sitting here who will appreciate your work today and if you are guaranteed that your decisions to distribute billions borrowed without Seimas approval, without budget adjustment are truly legitimate and most optimally, I would definitely dare to gamble, I’d say no, ”she said.
The “peasant” Viktoras Rinkevičius assured that the investigation was carried out “without looking at any political nuance”, and the liberal Eugenijus Gentvilas, member of the Economic Committee, recalled that the investigators were working in the period leading up to the presidential elections. it was Gitan Nauseda.
“Valstietė” Vida Ačienė regretted that the survey did not answer why Lithuania did not borrow cheaper.
“The idea is that we are very proud and we have not seen the need for that,” he said.
The study was carried out by the Committee on Budgets and Finance and started by the then head of the commission, Stasys Jakeliūnas, who now works in the European Parliament.
The study concludes that the 2009-2010 crisis in Lithuania and other Baltic countries was caused by foreign capital banks operating here, the Bank of Lithuania did not guarantee adequate supervision, in addition, in 2008 the budget was adopted in violation of discipline Fiscal and government borrowed from international institutions cheaper. , took loans in the market with higher interest rates.
The findings suggest that the Government examine the possibility of establishing a state-owned commercial bank, a supervisory authority independent of the central bank and financed by contributions from financial institutions. This is expected to strengthen consumer protection.
It is proposed to reduce the dependence of the country’s financial system on the decisions of several parent banks, especially if they are from a single country.
It is proposed that the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation evaluate the government’s decisions to borrow in 2009-2012 and that, as a result, 2.1 billion have been taken. Damage to the state, as well as the provision of loans with an interest rate of 8% for Sodra, discrediting it and significantly reducing the purchasing power of old-age pensions.
The findings include a proposal for prosecutors to assess the role of large commercial banks in causing crisis phenomena in Lithuania, as well as their actions using the Vilibor interbank interest rate index.
Last August, the Attorney General’s Office declared that it would not defend the public interest due to possible violations related to the interbank interest rate index 2008-2009 Vilibor, which had caused an increase in the interest rates of loans for housing in litas. According to prosecutors, the investigation did not provide objective evidence that authorities supervising commercial banks had violated the law.
The idea of investigating why during the crisis, in 2009-2012, the then rulers made potentially damaging decisions for the country’s finances was proposed in October 2017 by fifty parliamentarians: the majority of divided Social Democrats and “peasants” , as well as several former Members of the Christian Families Union faction.
S. Jakeliūnas, who is considered the initiator of the investigation, did not sign the resolution on the investigation, nor did he support Ramūnas Karbauskis, the leader of the “peasants”, Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and President of Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis.
Conservative members Andrius Kubilius (former prime minister during the crisis) and Mykolas Majauskas, members of the Committee on Budget and Finance, declined to participate in the investigation because they considered him politically compromised. Liberal Kęstutis Glaveckas, although he called himself an observer, and Social Democrat Rasa Budbergytė participated in the meetings, but abstained or did not vote.
Initially, it was proposed to study only the debt policy of the A. Kubilius government in 2009-2012, but then the scope of the study was expanded and it was decided to analyze the activities of the right and left political forces in power since 2005 in the country finance management.
In deciding who would carry out the investigation in November 2017, the initiators wanted the National Security and Defense Committee and not the Budget and Finance Committee to take it, as S. Jakeliūnas explained that the committee had already analyzed the situation. and proposed an annual audit to the State Audit Office. Among other things, some “peasants” wanted the investigation to be carried out by a commission of 12 parliamentarians created specifically for this purpose.
Prime Minister S. Skvernelis initially stated that he did not support the Seimas initiative to investigate the previous government’s debt policy during the economic and financial crisis, but later explained that such an investigation would be necessary.
The Seimas gave the investigation the green light in late March 2018.
Later, the opposition called the investigation a politicized process, accused its initiator of involving the Seimas “in the bot market” to “eat and blame”, predicted that the rulers would seek benefits: defend scientific work, collect personal accounts . Some MPs questioned whether the results of the investigation would be a lesson to anyone.
Governors said the study results should lead to more responsible public financial policies.
The Committee on Budgets and Finance wanted to carry out the investigation even without a quorum, with only a third of the committee members present, but this was prevented by the Ethics and Procedures Commission and Seimas’ lawyers, who warned that such meetings would be illegal.
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