Environmentalists are calling on Minister S. Gentvilas to remove AAD Chief Olga Vėbrienė from her current post and to initiate an official inspection of AAD Deputy Director Jurgis Kazlauskas. In addition, LAASDPS requires an evaluation of the validity of the establishment of advisory positions to the Director of the AAD, the suitability of the existing deputies for the performance of their functions, the legality of their appointment and the potential conflict of interest for working in multiple services.
The union proposes to conduct a financial audit of the AAD to answer the question of whether the department has used public funds in a transparent manner (in particular with regard to the payment of allowances to AAD deputy directors and advisers).
The dissatisfaction of LAASDPS and environmentalists with the current situation is due to long-standing AAD problems: entrenched nepotism, completely ruined social dialogue, breaches of collective agreements, inability of existing management to solve systemic problems (use of AAD financing , one-sided use of unbearable workload, unpaid work on weekends).
However, the glass of patience for environmentalists has finally been overwhelmed by the growing number of cases of harassment, dissent, and bold expression of the opinions of department employees. The last of the examples is the decision of the head of the AAD and his team to deal with Donatas Bagočius, Senior Specialist of the Marine Environment Protection Board of the Klaipėda Board, accused of providing information on the recent incident at the terminal in Būtingė to Minister S. Gentvilas and his team.