Luka Dončičius played the best game of the season tonight and after the victory over the Denver Nuggets he received the attention of Inside the NBA presidents.
Man of the match
Shaquille O’Neal asked the Slovenian which basketball players, European or American, had the greatest influence on their own game.
“Everyone a little,” Dončičius said. – Of course, I saw LeBron’s game, and in Spain I had great teammates: Sergio Llulla, Rudy Fernández, Felipe Reyes. They were wonderful companions and I learned a lot from them. So is Vassilis Spanoulis. I don’t know if you’ve heard of him, he plays Olympiacos.
Charles Barkley, after hearing Spanoul’s name, jokingly endorsed Greek actor Jeff Spicoli in the 1980s comedy Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
“He’s so young that he probably doesn’t even know who Spicoli is. It’s one of the best movies of all time, “Barkley replied.
Dončičius also confirmed that Mavericks forward Kristap Porzingis’ season debut is no longer behind the mountains.
“He already played three on three with some younger guys. I think it looked great and I will be back soon, ”said the Slovenian.
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