Precipitation is expected in many places on Friday, mainly snow. It will snow heavily in some parts of the east. Plikledis. The wind changes direction, 3-8 m / s. Maximum temperature of 2 degrees of cold to 2 degrees of heat.
PHOTO GALLERY. Winter weather in the capital
It will snow on Saturday, during the day light snowfalls and burns will prevail. North wind, light breeze. Temperature at night 2-7, day 1-5 cold degrees.
“In other words, the course of the air temperature on the following day will be unusual, meteorologists say, anomalous,” noted meteorologist N. Šulija.
Traffic conditions are compounded by snow, sleet, and burns.
The Highway Administration reports that traffic conditions in most of the country are difficult, especially in Vilnius, Panevėžys, Utena and Kelmė counties, Mažeikiai districts, where road surfaces are rough, slippery and have formed .
PHOTO GALLERY. Snow covered the capital
The lower intensity rim and regional roads are covered with a 10-15 cm layer of loose snow. Slippery road sections are scattered and cleaned, but drivers are asked to take into account the condition of the road surface and to choose a safe speed instead of the maximum allowed and to maintain a safe distance than usual. In Klaipėda and Marijampolė counties, road surfaces are wet or wet.
In the Tauragė and Vilkaviškis districts, traffic conditions are aggravated by fog, visibility is reduced and in some places it reaches 150 meters.
PHOTO GALLERY. Winter in the capital
Snow in Klaipėda County, sleet elsewhere. Only in Marijampolė county there is no rainfall. Air temperature from 1 degree of heat to 2 degrees of cold. During the day, traffic conditions will be aggravated by snow and snow.