During an extremely rare party convention, Kim Jong Uno’s confessions about mistakes


The party’s congress is the first after a five-year hiatus and only the eighth in the history of a nuclear-armed country. It took place two weeks before the inauguration of the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.

Pyongyang’s relations with Washington have stalled with stalled talks between Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump about easing sanctions and what North Korea could give up in return.

In addition, after closing its borders in January last year to protect against a new coronavirus that emerged in neighboring and important ally China, North Korea is now more isolated than ever.

The congress began in the capital on Tuesday, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said.

Congress of the Workers' Party in North Korea

Congress of the Workers’ Party in North Korea

Photos published in the ruling party’s Rodong Sinmum newspaper show 7,000. delegates and participants in the great hall. None of them wore masks.

On the first day of his review of the work, Kim Jong Un said that the results of the economic development strategy of the last five years “did not meet our goals very significantly in almost all areas,” the KCNA reported.

Last year, the plan was quietly abandoned prematurely.

“We intend to conduct a thorough and in-depth analysis … of our experiences, lessons learned and mistakes made,” added Kim Jong Un. He wore a black suit and had a plaque with photos of his father and grandfather on his lapel.

The KCNA report does not mention any specific errors, nor does it specify whether Kim Jong Un mentioned Washington or Seoul in his speech. The leader’s speech should be expanded on Wednesday.

Kim Jong Unas

Kim jong unas

The coronavirus pandemic has increased pressure on North Korea. Pyongyang itself has blocked itself far more effectively than the most militant supporters of the sanctions could have hoped.

Trade with China has dropped dramatically, with many foreign embassies closed or severely downsized.

Pyongyang claims there are no COVID-19 cases in the country, but observers doubt it. Financial pressures on the country were exacerbated by last summer’s floods.

Analysts say the summit is likely to focus on national policy issues, reaffirming the importance of “self-confidence” and announcing a new economic plan.

Rodong Sinmun on Sunday called for strong support for Kim Jong Un, writing that a “spirit of unity” was essential for a “victorious” year.

Getting ready for the parade

Party congresses are its most important meetings, grandiose political events that strengthen the authority of the regime. They are closely monitored by analysts trying to see signs of change in politics or in the ruling elite.

Kim Jong Uno’s sister and senior adviser, Kim Yo Jong, is among the elected officials to the congressional presidium. This would show his growing authority.

Last year, the 2016 congress, the first in nearly 40 years, established Kim Jong Un’s status as supreme leader and heir to his family for seven decades.

The current congress reflects an “urgent need for internal solidarity,” said Ahn Chan-il, a northern analyst who lives in Seoul.

“The party convention should serve as a spark to restore the faith of a frustrated society,” he said.

Before the convention, the entire country mobilized for the 80-day economic stimulus, which meant extra long hours and additional responsibilities for many.

The convention preceded Biden’s inauguration on January 20, and analysts say North Korea will cautiously try to send a message to Washington. The future president of the United States has called Kim Jong Un a “bandit” and Pyongyang Biden a “mad dog.”

“With Trump’s withdrawal, North Korea will reaffirm its traditional hostility towards the United States by alluding to the nature of its other provocations,” said Go Myong-hyun, an analyst at the Asan Institute for Political Studies.

Although Pyongyang demonstrated its largest rocket to date only a few months ago, satellite images would show that “preparations for the new parade” have accelerated, the authoritative website 38North said.

A parade was also held on the occasion of the 2016 four-day party convention.

Kim Jong Uno’s father and predecessor, Kim Jong Il, never held a party convention during his reign, but the current leader appears to be scheduled to hold them every five years.

“Kim Jong Un seeks the stability of the regime and the normalization of the party,” said Shin Beom-chul, an analyst at the Korea National Strategy Research Institute. “Hold a congress in 2016, and then there is a normalization in 2021.”
