The weight loss of ALBA did not leave hope to Bayern Club / News


Photo: Imago Sport-Scanpix

Imago Sport-Scanpix Photo

The great German basketball duel took place on Sunday, with ALBA Berlin (7-1) rejoicing in the victory.

The two points are launched this season

Hits: 19.3
Accuracy: 51.0%
League place: 10
Best achievement: 25
Worst achievement: 12
More common: Ben Lammers

The team from the German capital played at home 85:72 (18:12, 21:24, 26:17, 20:19) managed Bayern Munich (7-2).

With four minutes remaining, the hosts had a 21-point lead (81:60) and it was only at the end of the match that Andrea Trinchier’s pupils managed to avoid being crushed.

ALBA won despite having played without four major rotating players: Luke Sikma, Peyton Siva, Marcus Eriksson and Niels Giffey.

Louis Olinde was the most productive winner: 17 points (4/4 doubles, 1/2 trit., 6/7 penalty), 2 rebounds and 3 interceptions in 26 minutes.

Bayern continued to function without the traumatized Vladimir Lucich.

ALBA: Louis Olinde 17, Simone Fontecchio 12, Johannes Thieman and Jason Granger (10th ed.) After 11.

Bayern: Yuan Johnson 12 (6/12), Jalen Reynolds, Wade Baldwin and Diego Flaccador 11 each, Paul Zipser 10.
