Daiva Žilinskė, a representative of the Lithuanian Highway Police Service, told the tv3.lt news portal that between January and November, more than 4,000 people were registered in the country. cases in which the vehicle encounters a beast that has escaped onto the road.
Furthermore, there have been cases where these accidents have affected not only beasts but also people.
“This year (January-November) 4,083 cases of vehicle collisions with animals that ran on the road (whether domestic or wild) were registered. Among them – 17 traffic accidents in which there were injured people: 18 people were injured – 0.
Statistics of such traffic accidents by months: January – 397, February – 274, March – 223, April – 302, May – 580, June – 348, July – 393, August – 340, September – 333, October – 439, November – 454 “, – the information was shared by a representative of the police.
Thousands of fines and driving disqualifications
The interlocutor D. Žilinskė stated that after the collision with the beast, the police officers later clarified all the details of the traffic accident.
“In the event of an accident, the circumstances are clarified. Administrative liability can be imposed on the driver only after all the circumstances of the incident have been clarified and it has been established that he has violated the Traffic Rules. For example, he exceeded the established speed, violated the rules of bending over, maneuvering, etc. If it is established that the driver has violated the requirements of traffic regulations, the amount of the fine depends on the offense, ”said D. Žilinskė.
However, if the driver left the scene at the time of the incident, you may have to pay not only a fine, but also to say goodbye to the driver’s license and, in some cases, even the car.
“If a driver leaves the scene of such an accident, he may face not only a fine, but also deprivation of the right to drive.
Responsibility for leaving the scene of a traffic accident is provided for in article 426 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania:
1) Withdrawal from the place of the traffic accident in which the driver is involved in violation of the Traffic Regulations, when the damage caused does not exceed 15 basic amounts of sanctions and penalties,
imposes a fine on drivers of 600 to 1.1 thousand. 850 to 2,000 euros for people who do not have the right to drive vehicles. euros.
2) Removal from the place of the traffic accident in which the driver is involved in violation of the Traffic Regulations, when the damage exceeds 15 fines and basic penalties, it imposes a fine of 1.1 thousand drivers. up to 2 thousand. EUR and for people without the right to drive vehicles – from 2 thousand. up to 2.6 thousand. euros.
In the case of administrative offenses provided for in sections 1 and 2, drivers may be deprived of their driving license for a period of 1 to 3 years.
People who do not have the right to drive vehicles may be ordered to confiscate a vehicle for the administrative offenses set forth in numbers 1 and 2 of this article, “the police representative explained the legal guidelines.
What can help prevent a collision?
A police spokeswoman added that drivers could reduce the likelihood of encountering a beast on the road by following the most important tips.
“First of all, all road users must comply with traffic regulations. The driver must drive within the speed limit. Take into account the area (wooded, road close to the forest, open areas (fields). It should be noted that it is not uncommon for wild animals to “get stuck” on the streets of cities and towns.
The “Wild Animals” warning sign warns of the possibility of encountering wild animals on the stretch of road. This means that the driver must slow down in order to react correctly at any time to an obstacle, control the vehicle and, if necessary, stop.
It is necessary to watch the curbs; usually animals run to the road from the roadside covered with bushes and trees, jump out of the ditch, in the dark of the day, especially early in the morning, in the evening.
It is important to choose a safe driving speed. If you notice an animal standing on the sidewalk, drive very carefully, slowly, maybe even stop. Do not flash the lights, do not use an audible signal, as the behavior of a blind and frightened animal is often unpredictable and can be very dangerous, ”said D. Žilinskė.
Criticized the use of ultrasonic whistles
Until recently, representatives of the Klaipėda County Police Chief’s Station announced a campaign during which ultrasonic whistles were distributed to drivers, usually attached to the front bumper or side mirror. The purpose of such devices is to repel the beasts so that they do not run out of the way.
Still, some professionals have questioned the benefits of ultrasonic whistles. Here, the forester Raimundas Ereminas said that such a preventive measure could not save from a collision.
“It seems to me that people need something. They think that by buying an item, they will be able to drive faster.
Often there are cases when such an item is purchased, but it is not suitable for the animals found in Lithuania, but people still drive fast.
A hunting research laboratory could respond to the venom of the ultrasonic hiss more accurately. But in any case, it’s a theoretical game, people come up with things. It is very strange that the police share such things. After all, is there a whistle for a person who goes without a reflector? Eremin asked.
The danger is always there
When asked when beasts migrate most frequently on the road, the forestry engineer pointed to several key periods, but also emphasized that the risk of encountering animals on the road always remains.
“There is always the possibility of animals moving. It is said that in autumn moose migrate to winter pastures and in spring they travel to wetlands, summer pastures. In the forest there are infinitely large numbers of elk, deer, deer, wild boar too, so the danger is always there. If you drive through the forest, especially at dusk, at night or in fog, you must drive much slower ”, warned the interlocutor.
It is true that E. Eremin adds that perhaps current climatic trends have somewhat suppressed the movement of animals.
“Here I can only guess, but since there is less snow in Lithuania, animals can find food more easily, so maybe they move less often to different areas. It is very difficult to assess the impact of climate change, but if there used to be 12 to 16 inches of snow means that animals have to travel, forage for food and may not need to do so at this time.
That migration may now be more related to mating, the search for sites, but perhaps a little less to nutrition, ”said the forester.
The Lithuanian police recall that in the event of a vehicle colliding with an animal, it is mandatory to call the emergency number 112 and listen to the operator’s instructions.
If police officers arrive on the scene, follow their instructions. The dead wild animal is cared for by the representatives of the hunting team who arrived at the place according to the supervised area.