“We have argued for a long time with the previous government about whether decisions could have been made earlier that would have made this vacation less stressful. I still think that it could and should have been accepted. But they were not adopted, ”the Prime Minister told LRT radio, pointing out at the same time that it would no longer be necessary to look at the decisions of the Government, which has already finished its work, at least in this regard.
“It just came to our knowledge then. Just come and decide here and now. It seems to me that trying to change the past is always a pointless activity,” added I. Šimonytė.
At the same time last week, former Prime Minister S. Skvernelis told Delfi TV that he did not agree that the current uncontrollable pandemic rage in Lithuania was caused by the fact that the Cabinet of Ministers headed by him decided to introduce a second quarantine only in early November.
According to S. Skvernel, the Government under his leadership followed the epidemiological situation responsibly and applied other instruments that had the potential to limit the spread of COVID-19. Finally, S. Skvernelis noted, the decision to return to the quarantine regime in early November, rather than October, was made in consultation with experts.
“There was a great and long discussion in the government itself. However, the ministers made that decision after listening to the opinions of doctors, scientists and experts, ”said S. Skvernelis in an interview with Delfi TV.
However, on whose specific recommendations the government decided to introduce the quarantine in November, rather than earlier, the former prime minister did not disclose.
“You are not an interrogator, I am not an interrogator.” I am grateful to all the experts who have worked with us, and now I have no purpose and I do not see the names mentioned, “the politician replied to the journalist who made the question.
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