Th.Heurtel was at Istanbul airport and expected to fly with the team back to Barcelona when he was not allowed to travel on a private plane.
He got in touch with Rodrigue Beaubois, a compatriot who competes for Anadolu Efes in Istanbul. He arrived at the airport and picked up his teammate for the French national team.
Beaubois took Theurtel to the hotel where he had previously spent the night with the Barça team.
On Wednesday, TH.Heurtel returned to Barcelona via Lyon after 8 hours of flights.
Alfonso Reyes, president of the Spanish Basketball Association, has condemned the club for such an unusual situation.
“We spoke with the player, the situation is not justified in any way. What happened was far from any sensitivity. The player was left in a country where sanitary protocols are required. He was completely alone.
It’s good that a former partner was able to pick it up. At first, he couldn’t even get into the pavilion on the team bus. Had to take a taxi. I have not seen such a surreal situation in basketball, ”said A. Reyes, former Real Madrid and Spanish national team player.
He stressed that the situation was clearing up, but that Mr. Heurtel’s contract with Barcelona was valid and was not suspended or suspended.
According to A. Reyes, the Barcelona basketball players should have felt strange too.
“They are unhappy with the situation,” Reyes said. – He is a friend of his team and their relationship was the best. The unwritten rules of the players’ locker room say that there cannot be such things. And what amazes me the most is that sometimes former players forget how they were in the players’ locker room. “
15 minutes recalls that the conflict between Mr. Heurtel and Barcelona followed a collapsed exchange.
The Frenchman, who did not fit into the schemes of the team led by Šarūnas Jasikevičius, had to move to Fenerbahche in Istanbul, and from there another French player Leo Westermann to come to Barcelona.
But just before the agreement, Barcelona learned that Th. Heurtel was not going to move to Fenerbahche, but to his eternal rival Real Madrid.
Barça club leaders were angry: the exchange was canceled and Th. Heurtel was taken off the plane for the Euroleague game in Istanbul.
In a public statement, Barcelona claimed to have bought a ticket for the player the next day and booked a night’s stay, but kept silent on how he behaved at Istanbul airport when the basketball player who has represented the club since 2017 expected to return. to Barcelona with the team.

„Scanpix“ nuotr./Thomas Heurtelis
The continuation of the story of the 189cm tall 31-year-old defender is unclear.
Barcelona’s basketball players meet for training on Thursday, but the Frenchman is unlikely to have been inducted into the main lineup.
Keep more than 1 million in action. A basketball player who earns euros per season would be a luxury even for a Barcelona club, but meeting Real Madrid also seems like a difficult exit to imagine.