NVSC warns of fake short SMS messages


People who have been exposed to a coronavirus infection are asked to provide details in a message sent to the NVSC by completing a special NVSC questionnaire.

NVSC photo / Example of an official message sent by an NVSC

Photo from NVSC / Example of an official message sent by an NVSC

How to distinguish SMS messages sent by NVSC from fake messages?

  • In particular, the sender of a message sent by the NVSC is the NVSC, that is, people who receive a message from the NVSC will see the abbreviation NVSC instead of the number in the sender field.
  • Also, the messages sent by the NVSC do not ask for a response to the sent message and therefore provide your personal data, but instead send a link to the questionnaire that you are asked to complete.
  • Another indication that the message is indeed from NVSC is that the content of the message contains the exact initials of the person to whom it is addressed.

NVSC urges people to be vigilant when they receive a message from an unknown number asking them to provide their personal information, not to respond to them in any way, and to contact their mobile operators to block such senders.
