Jablonskas, who left the police, was appointed Deputy Minister of Justice.


He will assume the position of vice minister on December 28. E. Jablonskas will supervise the area of ​​the penitentiary system and will be responsible for the changes in the prisons, as well as the prevention of violations of public procurement in the Ministry of Justice and the institutions under its control, and the implementation of the anti-corruption policy .

“I feel that I have formed a professional and strong team with which I believe that we will successfully achieve the goals and expectations established in the Government’s program, and we will make the necessary and balanced changes based on sustainable and well-thought-out decisions,” says the minister of Justice, E. Dobrovolska.

Until now, E. Jablonskas has worked in the Lithuanian police. was the head of the Immunity Division of the Vilnius County LSC in 2015; for four years he was the head of the Immunity Board of the Police Department, he worked as the head of the Kaunas County LSC. Most recently, he was the temporary director of Marijampolė LSC.

E. Jablonskas holds a law degree from Lithuanian Law University and a master’s degree in law and police from Mykolas Romeris University.

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