Leaders of most European Union (EU) countries called urgent meetings on Sunday to discuss how to deal with a new coronavirus mutation identified in the UK, which could be linked to a more rapid spread of the virus.
Many countries have decided to restrict traffic to this country, leaving the only exception to the movement of goods.
However, as 15 minutes According to Zenon Buivyd, Linava’s secretary general, France did not abandon this exemption, prohibiting any movement from the UK.
Zenon Buivydas
Indeed, the French National Security and Defense Council decided on Sunday to suspend all movements of people from the UK, including the transport of goods by road, air, ship or rail, for 48 hours starting at midnight on 20 December. December. The only exception is unaccompanied transportation.
Hundreds of trucks will get stuck
France hopes that within these 48 hours the EU will find a common solution to the movement from the UK, and will be able to prepare for greater control of movement from that country from 22 December, for example, by introducing mandatory tests.
This decision also affects Lithuanian carriers, who actively transport cargo between different European countries, from the UK to France, Italy, Spain and elsewhere.
“In order not to distract the Lithuanian carriers, we would like to warn that this is the official announcement from France. In two days, there will definitely be some decisions, maybe they will be put to the test, we don’t know.” 15 minutes Z.Buivydas, Linava’s secretary general, emphasized.
According to him, this decision will cause difficulties for operators working with the UK.
“This suspension, in addition to not knowing what will happen with Brexit, the challenges are enormous for everyone,” said Z. Buivydas.
According to him, the French ban on coming from Great Britain will affect hundreds of Lithuanian carrier tugboats, who will be forced to wait until this situation is resolved.
Lithuania has banned flights from the UK
Both the company that operates the Eurotunnel that connects France and the United Kingdom and the port of Dover announced yesterday that any transport would be suspended.
According to the British portal lbc.co.uk, the head of the Transport Committee, Huwas Merriman, said that the situation on the border with France was worrying, but urged not to panic because the Christmas items had already arrived in the country.
An unscheduled government meeting was also urgently called in Lithuania on Sunday night. The government has decided to ban passenger flights from the UK to Lithuania from 4 am on December 21 to 24 pm Only passenger flights will be suspended, cargo will still be allowed to enter Lithuania. Flights from Lithuania to the UK are also not suspended.