Photo: BNS
Sunday night was a success for Lithuanians from Vitorija “Baskonia” (11-4) – the Basques celebrated the victory, and Tadas Sedekerskis and Rokas Giedraitis were among the best players on the team.

Baskonia playing at home 79:72 (18:20, 21:18, 23:18, 17:16) broke the Iberostar de Tenerife basketball players (12-2).
For the winners, Sedekerski scored 8 points (3/3 doubles, 2/4 penalties) in 17 minutes, bounced 7 balls and scored 17 utility points. This is the most beneficial forwards game this season.
At the time, Giedraitis, along with Zoran Dragicius, was the most productive player on the team, scoring 15 points (1/4 double, 3/9 trit, 4/6 penalty). The Lithuanian also bounced 3 and took 4 balls and scored 15 utility points.
“Baskonia”: Rokas Giedraitis (3/9 trit., 4 per. Cam.) And Zoranas Dragičius after 15, Tonye Jekiri 12, …, Tadas Sedekerskis 8 (7 res. Cam., 17 us.).
Iberostar: Santiago Yusta 13, Sergio Rodríguez, Sasu Salin and Tyler Cavanaugh 10 each.