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“I faced a complete mess for the deprivation of the right to drive, the sanction presented by e-policija.lt shows who has been fined, but nothing is specified about the deprivation of the right to drive. There is also no protocol in the system. The police do not inform the driver in the e-policija.lt system when it deprives him of the right to drive. Therefore, I accidentally found out about the private right to drive after only half a year, ”says the reader at the beginning of the story.
To regain the right to drive, the man walked to a driving school where, he said, the training took place only while he was physically seated in a classroom with countless people. The man attended the courses, but this story did not end so quickly.
“After receiving the certificate to retrieve the certificate, the procedure is simple: all you have to do is submit an application and pay 3.5 Eur. However, Regitra categorically refuses to accept emails. Signed documents and demands to come and stand on the box, ”says the man.
The man says that the fine “costs” 60 euros, driver training – 90 euros and another 3.5 euros. they were paid to the Registrars for the request.
“As for I had to speak to both the Regitra service staff and the driving school, they are all tired of this mess and there are many drivers who do not know that they have been deprived of their right to drive. There is also no information on additional training: many drivers sit behind the wheel after the deadline and learn about additional courses during the police stop, ”says the man.
Police: The information reached the driver.
How 15 minutes Daiva Žilinskė, Chief Specialist of the Traffic and Administrative Activity Supervision Division of the Lithuanian Highway Police Service, explained that there was no evidence that the man had not been properly provided with a document with all the necessary information.
According to D.Žilinskė, according to data from the Register of Administrative Offenses, the driver (was driving a motorcycle) in accordance with article 416 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter ANC). On the 4th, a fine of 60 euros was imposed with disqualification from driving for 3 months.
He explained that the procedural documents are served on all drivers in accordance with Article 573 of the ANK. 1 d. “Summons and other procedural documents will be sent to people involved in administrative infringement proceedings by registered letter or email. The registered letter is sent to the person’s officially declared place of residence or other known place of residence of the person, or his or her workplace or educational institution.
Refusing to accept or sign a pleading is equivalent to servicing a pleading. Subpoenas and other procedural documents may be sent to individuals involved in misdemeanor administrative proceedings by email only if the individuals have provided an email address in state information systems or registries used to receive electronically delivered services or comply with obligations “.
“According to the record of administrative offenses, an email was sent to the applicant. The administrative misconduct protocol with an administrative instruction clearly states: In accordance with article 416 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania. 4 d. a person is offered to pay a fine of 60 euros and is deprived of a special right (right to drive vehicles) for 3 months, ”explained D.Žilinskė.
Regitra: The service is being digitized
Emitra Bardauskienė, Regitra communication specialist, explained that the goal remains to digitize as many services as possible.
“As regards, in particular, the return of a lost driving license, this service is subject to certain conditions. It depends on the type of offense and the period of disqualification. You can find more information about each case on the website of Regitra.
The company pays close attention to the digitization of services and annually moves more and more services to the electronic space. Preparations are currently being made for the digitization of the driving license return service. After digitizing the service, we will share this message with customers ”, says E.Bardauskienė.